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“Yes?” the other woman said coldly.

“I’m here to meet Archer,” she replied, taken aback. “We’re going out for dinner.”

Susan looked her up and down and the look in her eyes said that she didn’t approve of what Caley wore.

Something inside her started to shrivel. Then she reminded herself that she didn’t care what this woman thought. She was nothing to her. Caley tilted her chin up.

“He’ll be out soon.” Susan stood. Then leaned over her desk. “You know you won’t last, right?”

She blinked at the other woman. “Excuse me?”

“I know you’ve been chasing him. Getting injured so he’d come rushing to you was a good play. Seems it worked. For now.”

She thought Caley got injured on purpose? Who the hell did that?

“You didn’t forget to give him that message, did you?” she asked as it all clicked. “You purposefully didn’t give it to him.”

Susan sniffed. “I’ve known Archer a long time. Women never last. They come and go quickly, but I’ve always remained. He’ll realize he’s slumming it and come back.”

She had a crush on him. Something like pity stirred inside Caley. “He’s quit his job. He’s moving away. He’s not coming back.”

Susan narrowed her gaze. “You are delusional, aren’t you? My dear, you’re not going to hold onto him. He’s only with you because of his brother. I know what you are.”

“What I am?” Okay, that pity was disappearing. Fast.

“I know you’re a Little.” She sneered at Caley. “Heard Hunter Black say it to his wife.”

A gut punch. She sucked in a breath. Susan’s disdain was clear. Which was odd when she was a sub herself. Somehow, she thought it would make the other woman less judgmental about Caley’s needs and desires.

“Archer doesn’t need someone like you. He’s not into that,” she spat out. “And look at you, you’re hardly his type. You’re a country bumpkin when he’s style and class. All I have to do is wait you out and he’ll come crawling back to me.”

Her mouth was dry. Her heartbeat going too fast. Part of her wanted to run and hide. Part of her agreed with the other woman.

Except…he came for her when she was injured. He sat by her side all night. Held her through her nightmares. He wanted her. He loved her. Just a few hours ago, he’d made love to her.

And he wasn’t ashamed or disgusted by her Little.

So why should Caley be? She thrust her shoulders back. “That’s where you’re wrong. I am exactly who Archer wants. How long has he known you?”

“Years,” Susan said proudly.

“Years. And yet he’s never once made a move on you, right? He’s known me for less than two months and he’s moving halfway across the country for me.”

Susan flinched. Caley felt a bit bad, but the other woman started it.

“I could ruin you. I could ruin his career. Tell everyone about the three of you. About what you are.”

“We’re all consenting adults.”

“Do you think people care? They’ll think you’re perverted. You’ll ruin him.”

“Go ahead,” a deep voice said from behind Susan. She paled.

Caley jumped and looked over to see Archer standing there. How had she not noticed him? How much had he heard?

“W-what?” Susan asked.

“You can try to ruin my career. Although I doubt you will. People would actually have to care what you said. Thing is, though, at my new job nobody will care about the muttering of a disgruntled, bitchy personal assistant.” Archer moved around Susan to stand by Caley. He pulled her in against him. “I am glad to learn about your true nature before I left, Susan. I’ll be sure to let Hunter know about your opinion of Littles. And your loose tongue outside the club.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic