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“I asked him not to.”

“So you’re moving to Sanctuary? With us?” she asked ecstatically.

“I am.”

Another thought occurred to her. She glanced up at Archer. “Are you okay with the, umm, with my Little,” she rushed out.

He frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you’re not a Daddy Dom.”

“Poppet, if you have to go into Little space, then that’s what you do. My job is to provide you with what you need.”

“What I need right now is to stop talking this to death,” Issy complained. “We’ve only got this room for another hour and I want to play. Besides, our girl here needs some stress relief.”

“I hope that’s a code word for orgasm.”

Archer sighed, shaking his head. “Such a naughty subbie. Did you even tell her the rules?”

“I did.” Issy grinned.

“Does she know how to find her position?” Archer asked in a deep, commanding voice. A shiver ran up her spine.


“Oh, you mean this? I’ve read about it lots.” She got onto her knees, straightened her spine and put her hands palm down on her thighs. Which she kept together.

“Not bad. You’ve never been to a club, have you?” Archer asked.


“No, Sir.”

Her eyes widened and she glanced over at Issy who seemed to be happy to let Archer take the lead. “This is more his thing, baby doll. I learned early on that I was a Daddy Dom. While I’ve been to clubs, I prefer a more relaxed approach.”

Archer just snorted. “Relaxed is one way to describe it. As you know, Issy likes to do things his own way.”

“What can I say? I’m a rebel.”

“Issy,” Archer said warningly. “Do you want to play this out?”

“Sure do,” Issy said, walking over to grab a doctor’s coat and slipping it on. “I’ll get everything ready.”

“Do you see what I had to put up with growing up?”

“You wouldn’t have him any other way. Sir,” she hastily added on as he raised his eyebrows.

Then he surprised her by crouching, his face softening. He reached out and grasped hold of her chin. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, love? With me being part of your relationship?”

“It feels like I was missing a piece and now I’m whole.”

His eyes warmed. “Yeah, that’s what it feels like for me too. Instead of a piece, it was my whole damn soul.”

“Oh, that’s nice. I might use that in a book.”

He looked down his nose at her. “Is that what you’re doing here? Getting research?”

“No! We came here for you,” she said quickly, almost tripping over her words.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic