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She reached up and took Issy’s hand, tugging on it. He immediately turned to her.

“Do the rules apply in here?”

He looked confused for a moment then that cleared. “No, baby doll. Not right now. You can speak freely with just me and Archer here.”

She forced herself to stand, not wanting to feel at a disadvantage. She swallowed. “Archer, we came here to find you when you weren’t at your apartment.”

Archer was still frowning. “I still don’t understand why.”

“It’s because…well…we…”

“Spit it out, baby doll,” Issy said dryly.

“Do you still want to share me?”

Okay, she hadn’t meant to just come out with it.

Archer opened his mouth, but she kept going. “A ménage, a permanent one. A relationship, not just for sex. Issy said you brought it up at the hospital. That you walked away originally because you thought that was better for me and for Issy. But the thing is, I miss you, we miss you. Issy has done some research into ménage relationships. And well, we think we can make it work. If you’re still willing…I mean if you still want…me,” she finished lamely as he just gaped at her.

She looked to Issy who stared at her in shock as well. Archer he didn’t say a word.

“Archer?” What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he talking?

“Easy, baby doll. That’s his thinking face. Give him a minute.”

Archer gave Doc a sharp look. “You’re an ass.”

“I think we all know this by now.”

Archer rubbed his hand over his face. Then he looked to his brother. “I thought you didn’t want this.”

Issy shrugged. “I changed my mind.”

“That simple, huh?”

“No, not that simple,” Issy said sharply. “Fucking barely slept in past two weeks. Been going over scenarios. Been talking to people who are in these sorts of relationships. Learnt about the advantages and disadvantages. None of this is simple.”

Archer winced. “Sorry.”

“But what it comes down to is, am I willing to try? Am I willing to try to give Caley what she needs? You what you need. And me what I need.”

“You?” Archer asked.

Issy shrugged. “Won’t lie. There were many times I wanted to be selfish. But the thing is, I have to give Caley what she needs. It’s built into me. And the fact that it’s you, my brother, well, I don’t hate that. I miss you. I think that we all have something to add to this relationship. And I think it will be stronger with all of us in it. Besides, I do this and I’ll be her favorite.”

“Issy!” she protested.

He just grinned.

“And what do you want?” he asked Caley. “You’re the most important person in this. How do you feel about me? Do you want me? Or am I second fiddle to Issy? An afterthought? Another cock in the bedroom?”

“Another cock? I barely know what to do with one cock, two kind of terrifies me!”

Issy snorted and she glared at him. “Don’t laugh at me!”

“I agree this isn’t a laughing matter!” Archer scowled at his brother. “If we do this, I want to fully be part of this relationship. Just as important to you as Isaac.”

“So you really want this?” She guessed she still hadn’t fully believed he’d want this. “Even though it means sharing me and we live in different states and I’m kind of forgetful and clumsy and I’ll likely never be sophisticated and worldly?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic