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“Yes…but…what…” He tried to speak. To protest. To tell Kent he was way off base.

But what if he wasn’t?

“You left something out.”

“What’s that?” Kent took another sip of beer, looking completely relaxed.

“How Caley feels about Archer.”

“So I did.” Kent turned towards him. “How do you think she feels about Archer?”

Unease churned in his gut.

“Look, I shouldn’t be interfering. This isn’t my relationship. It’s just…I love you, man. I don’t want to see you throw something away that could work. I don’t want you to lose your brother just when you’ve found him again. What if you could have your girl and your brother in your life? A permanent ménage ain’t for everyone and I’m not saying it will be easy, but it could also mean that one of you was always watching over your girl, there to see to her needs, giving her twice as much love and affection. Your brother loves her, he’d be there for her no matter what. And for someone who has lost as much as she has, well, she deserves as much love as possible, don’t you think?”


Hours later, as he helped Caley into the bath, Kent’s words were still plaguing him.

The bastard.

After everyone had gone, he’d put Caley down for a nap and tidied everything up. And he’d discovered there was one gift that hadn’t been opened. It had been lost under a pile of wrapping paper. But he’d recognized the handwriting on the card.

Knowing he shouldn’t, he’d opened it.

Dear Caley,

I know everything probably feels overwhelming and you might feel a bit lost. But remember, Issy makes a good rock. He’ll stand in the storm. He’ll be your strength. If you ever need me, call. Here’s something to help you feel more normal.


That bastard.

Doc could only imagine how much pain he had to be in. Loving her and so far away from her. And he was still backing him up. Doing what was best for everyone else.

But was Archer being away from them what was best for her? Hell, was it even best for him?

Could you share her? If it was what she wanted?

Fuck. Back in the cabin, he’d liked it being the three of them. Liked having Archer to bounce things off.

If Archer had been there when Doc had to leave, the cabin would never have gone on fire.

He groaned. Christ. Was he really considering this?


“Yes, baby doll?” he asked.

After her nap, Caley had woken up in pain and a bit grouchy, which was unlike her. So he’d settled her in the living room watching a cartoon with a glass of chocolate milk with a straw and had tried to coax her to eat. He’d ended up having to get strict with her, then had felt terrible as she’d startled to sniffle.

He had to tread carefully. Still, he couldn’t let her get away with not letting him take care of her. She needed plenty of sleep and good nutrition to get better. And once she started feeling better, he had no doubt she’d get frustrated by her bandages and restriction.

Then he’d have to get firmer with her.

He had wrapped her hands in plastic bags, not wanting her to get the bandages accidentally wet. He ran a cloth over her chest and those pretty breasts with her peach-colored nipples.

Easy, man.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic