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Not your business.


“I’ll clear off the sofa. Here. It’s okay. Most of it is clean. I think.” She stared down at a sweater she picked up in confusion. “Is this even mine?”

“Caley,” he said sharply as the door behind him opened.

“Holy shit,” Archer exclaimed. Then he no doubt caught himself. “Nice house you have here.”

“Sorry…sorry…” she said worriedly.

He narrowed his gaze at her. She was diving from mess to mess without actually making much of an impact.

Nervous. She’s nervous.

“Caley, come here,” he commanded.

“Uh, Isaac, I’m sure we can get the place tidied up,” Archer told him.

He gave his brother a look. “I don’t care about the mess.”

Archer raised an eyebrow.

“Much,” he added. He wasn’t that bad about mess and cleanliness. Was he? He grimaced. All right he might have a tiny OCD issue. But that wasn’t what he was mainly concerned about.

“Please sit down. I promise, this place will look spotless soon. Well, maybe not spotless. I’m not sure where the broom is. Oh, yes, I do. I’m using it to keep the dryer door shut.”

He blinked. She what? Okay, none of that mattered right now. He needed to get her calmed down.

“Caley,” he said in a low, commanding voice putting plenty of Dom into his tone. “Come here.”

“Isaac,” Archer warned.

Archer was a Dom. He liked to tie his partners up in the bedroom. He enjoyed going to his club. But he wasn’t interested in anything beyond that. Doc was different. He’d always wanted a relationship where he was firmly in charge all the time. He’d wanted a submissive who was also his baby girl. Who he could restrain and fuck in the bedroom and cuddle and indulge the rest of the time.

Archer was warning him against using that tone with a woman they didn’t know. Who wasn’t a submissive.


Her eyes had dropped as soon as he used that tone. But then, she was distracted by her worry over the state of the cabin. And by the two hulking strangers standing in it.

For a moment, he thought he might be wrong, and she was going to ignore him. Or tell him off. Instead, she started towards him.

“Put the stuff down on the sofa, girl. We’ll get it in a moment.”

That was last on his to-do list. First was getting her settled, dry and warm. Second was getting in some wood for the fireplace since the basket next to it was empty. Third was seeing to his head. Fourth was sleep. He didn’t even care about food at this point.

She put the stuff down on the arm of the sofa, where it all slid off onto the floor. He winced but didn’t say anything. And she didn’t seem to notice as she walked towards him.

“What is it?”

He pointed at the bench seat next to the door. “Sit.”

She frowned but sat. He went to crouch down, biting back a wince as his head protested the movement.

“Here, let me,” Archer said quietly. “You need to go take a look at that head. Think she’s right. It could use some stitches.”

He’d get to that in a moment. But he did let Archer crouch down in front of her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic