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Something bad, he was guessing.

Maybe he should insist that Archer drive. But he’d probably just crash again. Doc sighed. He knew that wasn’t fair. Knew it wasn’t his fault.

But still, he was in a mood.

When aren’t you in a mood?

“You want to stay the night at my cabin? With me?”

“Unless you have other suggestions,” Archer said gently. That was his ‘I’m so reasonable, everyone should listen to me because I know best’ voice.

“I, umm, well, I don’t mind taking you both into town,” she said.

“You’re not taking us into town,” he barked. He had a roaring headache. It was cold. He was tired. He wanted to lie down. Most of all, he wanted for Caley not to be driving around in these conditions, shivering her ass off. “We’re going home with you.”

“But…but…” she stumbled out.

“I promise we’re not murderers, rapists or torturers,” Archer told her easily.

He turned to gape at his older brother. “Why the hell would you put that stuff into her mind?”

“I didn’t,” Archer told him. “Those were the first questions she asked me.”

Doc turned to her. She shrugged. “Can’t be too careful, right?”

“Jesus,” he muttered. “Girl like you shouldn’t be worrying about that.”

“A girl like me?” she asked curiously.

“Doesn’t matter,” he replied, not sure what he was thinking. What did he mean, a girl like her? He didn’t even know her. “We’re not any of those things. You’re safe with us. Now, let’s head back to your place so you can take a hot bath and get out of those wet clothes before you make yourself sick.”

“What my brother is trying to say is that we would really appreciate it if we could stay the night at your place. Driving long hours in this storm in a truck with a barely working heater and no seatbelt is dangerous and we don’t want you putting yourself at risk for us. We promise to keep out of your way and be model house guests.”

“I do not promise that,” Doc replied. He turned to glare at Archer, holding in a wince as his head throbbed mercilessly. “And don’t put words in my mouth.”

“We can always drug him,” Archer told her. “I’m a doctor. I have the necessary credentials.”

“Barely,” Doc muttered.

Archer sighed. “We can give you the number of someone you can call to vouch for us if you’d like.” Archer dug into his pocket and brought out his cell phone. “I have several other psychiatrists I know or a judge. I even have a television host.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to one of your ex-girlfriends,” he said. Okay, he was being a prick. But he just knew Caley would be bamboozled by Archer’s charm. Everyone preferred Archer. He told himself he shouldn’t care.

She’s not Evelyn. She doesn’t mean anything to you. You just met the girl.

“Murray vouched for you. That’s enough for me,” she muttered. “Judges can be bought off. And a television host? No thanks. You can stay the night, I guess. Don’t really trust this weather anyway. Better we hunker down and try in the morning.”

“What about psychiatrists? Aren’t they trustworthy?” Archer asked as she started turning her big behemoth of a truck around. Damn thing was so ancient it probably didn’t even have power steering. How was a little thing like her meant to drive around in this?

She grunted with effort. And he reached over and helped her tug at the steering wheel.

“Psychiatrists are talkers. Like television personalities. Don’t trust talkers.”

“Good Lord, I’m stuck in a truck with two of them,” Archer muttered with exasperation.

“Thanks, I got this,” she said to Isaac, panting slightly.

“Just take the help, girl. Ain’t no one giving out prizes for doing it all on your own.” And he wanted to help her. Normally he avoided meeting new people. Even the people he knew, he kept away from. He looked after everyone on the ranch, but he couldn’t say he was particularly close to anyone.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic