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He sat next to her, running his fingers through her long hair soothingly. “Shh. It’s all right. I won’t go anywhere. Just let me find my phone. Think it’s in the bathroom. Won’t go any further than that. Shh.”

He returned quickly with his phone and a bottle of pills which he set on the table by the bed. He tapped out something on his phone then sat facing her on the bed, running his fingers through her hair soothingly rubbing at her scalp.

“Does your cabin have a porch, Daddy?” she asked, needing him to talk to her. And she was curious about his home.

“Does our cabin have a porch? And yes, it does. It has a small one out the front and a wider one out the back.”

“Has it got a porch swing or rocking chairs?”

“It doesn’t. But I think we need to remedy that. Wouldn’t mind a rocking chair for inside, either. I think I’d quite like rocking on a chair with my baby in my lap.”

Yeah, that sounded pretty perfect to her as well.

There was a quiet knock on the door, and he stood, walking over. A light shone in from the passage and she heard Dominic speak quietly.

The door shut and Bain walked back. Only her night light was on, sending stars across the ceiling.


“I can’t wait to sleep under real stars.”

Bain set a bottle of water and what another bottle with white liquid in it on the bedside table.

“Isn’t that a baby’s bottle?”

“It’s a special one. From the same shop I bought the other things from.”

“Before we leave, I might have to visit that shop.”

“That can be arranged. As can the sleeping under the stars. Here, baby.” He grabbed the bottle of painkillers and tapped out a couple, placing them in her mouth before picking up the water and holding it to her mouth. She drank several sips. He took a couple of painkillers himself before settling in against the headboard.

He pulled her onto his lap and then grabbed the other bottle. The rubber teat was placed against her mouth and she opened her lips, taking it into her mouth and sucking on it experimentally.

“I had Dominic put some warm almond milk in it,” he told her as the sweet, warm liquid hit her tongue. “Thought it would be easier on your tummy than normal milk.”

That was really thoughtful. Maybe tomorrow, she’d be embarrassed about Dominic preparing her a bottle. But right now, she didn’t have the energy to care.

She closed her eyes and suckled. Reveling in the feeling of Bain holding her tight and secure in his arms. He sang her some lullabies in a surprisingly good voice. She’d have to ask him to sing with her some time.

She drifted off to sleep, barely aware of him tucking Patches in against her and the rubber teat of the bottle being replaced by her pacifier.

And held in his arms, safe and secure, she didn’t dream at all.


She managed one breath. Then another.

In. Out. Slow. Steady. Just breathe.

Bain’s face appeared through her tears. She clasped hold of his hands, feeling his steady presence soothe her. When the shaking subsided and she could breathe more easily, she managed to give him a small smile.

His frown deepened. Yeah, he wasn’t buying her act for a second.

“Hey, it’s better than yesterday right? This is only my first one today.”

It had been a few days since Bain had been kidnapped and she’d been suffering from regular panic attacks. She’d also been having nightmares.

This morning, Caleb and the others had left to go back to Escana. She already missed them like crazy. She’d spent yesterday watching movies and playing board games with Tavi and Aric. Kassim and Matek had holed up in her office with the others, discussing guy stuff. Aric and Tavi had told her some interesting things about life in Escana. How most relationships there were a single woman with many husbands. How women were cherished, worshipped and closely guarded.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic