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She’d made plans to visit them later in the year. With Bain, of course. She still needed to give Tavi that concert.

Bain sat beside her on the bed then drew her onto his lap. He rocked her back and forth. “Wish I could help with these, angel.”

“You do help,” she told him fiercely. “They’ll stop eventually. It’s just. . .I keep imagining you getting hurt. Killed.”

“I’m fine. You’re fine. Nothing is going to happen to either of us.”

She nodded her head. Logically, she knew they were both all right. But that didn’t mean that her body still didn’t go into panic mode. That her brain didn’t go over everything that could have gone wrong.

“At least they both confessed.”

Rob had been taken to the hospital but had woken several hours later. He had immediately confessed. That had enabled the detectives to put pressure on Jerome. He’d caved. He still refused to talk about any crimes in the past. But he had admitted to sending her those letters and kidnapping Bain.

“Don’t forget about Larry,” Bain rumbled. “He’s finally getting what he deserves.”

Turns out, Jerome hadn’t left the letter in her dressing room. The police had done some digging into Larry and they’d found he’d made a series of large withdrawals in the days leading up to the charity concert. It hadn’t taken him long to confess to writing the letter he’d ‘found’ in her dressing room and paying someone to set the fire and take the fall. He’d done it for publicity, to raise her profile and increase sales. He’d also thought it would make Bain and Dominic look incompetent, that she’d get rid of them and turn back to him. Someone could have been hurt and all he’d cared about was himself. Asshole.

There were also some questions around his financials and whether he’d been embezzling money from her. She felt so stupid for trusting him so much.

She hadn’t heard from her family. That was one positive. It still hurt, their betrayal, their lies. But she knew she was better off without them.

“I still think you should talk to someone about all of this.”

She shuddered. Apparently, the doctor who lived at Sanctuary had a brother who was a psychiatrist. And she had to admit, she was thinking it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

“I’ll think about it. After our RV trip.”

“Still can’t believe I agreed to that.”

Dominic was due to fly back to Montana tomorrow. After she got her apartment on the market, and packed up what she wanted, she and Bain were going to drive back. In an RV.

She was so excited. It wasn’t quite camping, but it was still exciting.

Bain ran his fingers through her hair. “What you want to do now, angel? How would you like to play a board game? We might be able to rope Dominic in.”

“Candyland! Candyland!”

Bain shook his head. “All right, Candyland.”

“Yay!” She climbed off his lap and did a victory dance as Bain grinned at her. They walked out of her bedroom and down towards the living room.

Dominic stepped out of the kitchen, a sandwich in his hand. Like normal. How did the man eat so much and not gain weight?

“Dom-Dom, we’re playing Candyland. And I’m going to whip your ass.”

Dominic groaned. “Dom-Dom, really?”


He looked over at Bain. “I think I preferred it when she was closed off and overly polite.”

“No, you don’t,” Bain commented.

Dominic winked at her to let her know he’d just been joking.

“Candyland again?” Dominic asked.

She nodded excitedly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic