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“What about the gray hairs you gave me? Do I get to spank you every night for a week?”

He huffed out a laugh. “Not the way things work, angel. Besides, I was knocked out and kidnapped. You went willingly into a dangerous situation to meet with your stalker.”

Ugh. Her stalker.

“I can’t believe it was Jerome. He never crossed my mind. I feel like I barely knew him. I can scarcely recall anything about him.”

“You were young. Plus, something traumatic happened to you that made you retreat inside yourself.”

“I can’t remember the details. . .”

“Which might be for the best.” He grimaced. “I’m no head doc though.”

“I don’t. . .I don’t think I want to remember it all.”

“Whatever happened between the two of you created some bond in his head. He thought you were destined to be together. And those lyrics in your latest song convinced him that you were asking for his help.”

“Stupid thing is those weren’t even my lyrics. I didn’t write those.”

“He wasn’t right in the head, angel. Nothing you did made him this way. It was all him. He’s behind bars now. He can’t hurt you. Nobody will hurt you again. Not while I’m here.”

“Don’t ever leave me.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

Bain pulled her back into his arms and she rested her head against his neck. Her head was thumping, her stomach still churning. Too much stress and not enough food or water.

“Maybe we should have called a doctor,” he muttered. “Gotten you something to help you sleep.”

“No. No, I don’t want to take anything. I’ll be okay. Unless you want to get a doctor for your head. Do you think I should wake you up every hour and check on you?”

“No, baby. I’m fine. You are definitely not staying awake to watch over me,” he said firmly. He studied her for a moment. “You got a headache?”

“A small one,” she replied.

“When’s the last time you ate?”

“I can’t eat. I’ll throw it up.”

“All right. You okay with letting me take over? Giving me control? Might be what you need to clear your mind.”

She shuddered. “Yes. Please.”

“Okay, little bit. Daddy is going to get you settled in bed then I’ll go heat up a bottle for you.”

She made a murmur of protest. A bottle? She wasn’t sure about that. But he placed a finger on her lips. “Daddy is in charge. You’re exhausted, probably dehydrated. You need something in your belly. You need to go potty?”

“No,” she whispered.

He frowned. “Let’s get you into bed.” He stood and held out his hand to her. Then he helped her slide into her sleep sack. It settled around her, hugging her tight. Although nothing felt as good as his arms around her.

“Good, angel?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“I’ll go get some painkillers and a bottle.”

“No! Don’t leave!” She couldn’t have him leaving her. Couldn’t be alone. Her breath started to come fast despite the comfort of being swaddled.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic