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She startled and turned to stare at the man who walked into the room. “I hear I’ve got some little girls here who are waiting to see Santa.”

“Santa!” Ellie practically jumped out of Bear’s arms and raced at Santa, who luckily caught hold of her. The others followed more slowly, but they all walked over to greet Santa, even Daisy. She turned back to give him a tentative smile and he winked at her. Santa talked to each of them then sat in the chair that Clint showed him to.

Abby went first. Perching shyly on his knee, she quietly asked for what she wanted. But you could see the happiness in her face and when she finished, she moved quickly over to Kent, sitting on his knee and burying her face in his neck.

Ellie was next. She didn’t hold back. She also had a long list of gifts. Jed glanced up at Bear to find him rolling his eyes and shaking his head. She bounced off his knee after posing for her photo. He was pleased to see she wasn’t letting that stuff with her parents upset her.

Charlie went third. She wrapped her arm around Santa’s shoulders and whispered in his ear. Santa grinned over at Clint as he listened. “Well, that’s an interesting gift, but I’m not sure that Santa can make your daddy stop spanking you, little girl.”

Charlie pouted while Clint smirked. “Only one way to stop getting spanked, little one. And that’s by behaving.”

She heaved a defeated sigh but smiled for her photo.

Then it was Daisy’s turn. She gave him another unsure look and he walked over to her, wrapping his arm around her and kissing the top of her head. “You don’t have to do this, baby. It’s just for fun.”

“I know,” she whispered.

Santa smiled at her kindly as she climbed onto his knee.

“Well, Miss Daisy, and what would you like for Christmas?”

She tapped her lip thoughtfully. “Can my new time-out chair end up as kindling?”

Santa boomed out a laugh. “Hmm, let Santa see what he can do.”

Jed narrowed his gaze at Santa. Santa’s eyes danced with amusement.

“Anything else, baby girl?” he asked her.

“Well, I’d really like some candy.” She glanced slyly over at Jed. “My own stash that Daddy isn’t allowed to touch.”

“Wish granted.”

“Hey, Santa, think we should discuss that first,” Jed said half-teasingly.

Daisy grinned over at him, then moved her gaze to the camera as Clint took her photo. She gave Santa a kiss on the cheek before climbing off and moving to Jed. He thought he saw a flash of something in Santa’s eyes. Sadness. Longing.

He hoped it wouldn’t be long until the other man found his own Little.

“Right, baby girls, I want you all to sit with your daddies. Santa has some gifts for you all before he has to go.” Santa moved around the room, distributing gifts to each girl.

He watched with an indulgent smile as Daisy slowly unwrapped her presents. Ellie tore at hers with her usual enthusiasm. But Daisy took her time. She looked up at him as she saw the new nighties. Four of them, each with a different animal on them. Then she opened up another gift. This one had some new dresses in it. When she opened the last gift and saw the jewelry box she paused for a moment. Then she pulled open the lid of the velvet box. Inside was a delicate silver necklace. There was a round charm attached and written on the charm, in flowing script was, Daddy’s Heart.

She took in a sharp breath. “Oh, Daddy, it’s absolutely gorgeous. Thank you. Thank you!”

“Don’t thank me. It was Santa.”

She stood and climbed into his lap to kiss him. The kiss turned hotter than he’d expected, her tongue slipping between his lips to tease his. Then she pulled back and leaned close to his ear.

“Somehow, I don’t think Macca would know exactly what to buy me.”

He grinned. No one thought Macca would fool any of the girls in that Santa outfit. Still, as he looked around at the happy, squealing Littles, he knew that this was also going to become a new Christmas tradition at Sanctuary Ranch.

“Daisy, did you get a necklace too?” Ellie asked, coming to stand next to them. She was already proudly wearing a gold necklace. “Mine says, Daddy’s baby girl. ‘Cause tha

t’s what I am.” She smiled.

“These are so cool. We have nearly matching necklaces. What’s yours say, Charlie?” Ellie turned to Charlie, who walked forward. Charlie’s necklace was copper colored.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic