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“It’s a surprise.” He walked back over to the bed and started dressing her. First, he pulled her panties up her legs, then her tights. He helped her sit up so he could pull the dress over her head. The dress had built-in support so she wouldn’t need a bra.

He finished the look with some cute black shoes. He knelt before her and slipped them on.

She frowned. “This surprise isn’t like the time-out chair surprise, is it?”

He grinned up at her. He had got the message loud and clear that she didn’t think much of that particular gift. He, on the other hand, thought it was freaking adorable. “No, you’ll like this surprise. I promise.”

He grabbed the footstool and set it next to the bed. “Sit here while I do your hair, baby girl.”

She moved onto the stool and he sat behind her on the bed as he brushed her hair and put a sparkly clip in it. “There. You look adorable.”

Even the pout she had going on was cute. He took her hand, leading her downstairs, where he put on her hat, jacket and gloves. Then he picked her up and held her against his chest as he walked out to the truck.

“Daddy, I can walk.”

“It’s been snowing and it’s slippery. Just stay still and hold onto me.” He opened the front passenger seat and placed her in the car seat that he’d recently bought for her. Another surprise she wasn’t overly fond of. But while she was taller than Abby or Charlie, who both had car seats, she was still his little girl. He wanted her as safe and comfortable as possible.

He carefully fastened her seat belt then hopped in the driver’s side and drove them down to the big house. He could tell she was dying of curiosity, especially when she saw Kent’s truck was already there. He lifted her out, and carried her up the steps.

They entered the warmth of the house and he set her down then quickly divested them both of their cold weather gear before tucking her under his arm and leading her towards the living room that had been taken over the other night for Ellie’s hen party.

When they walked in, the enormous Christmas tree in one corner nearly blinded him. Gifts were piled under the tree. Along the mantel, stockings were hung with the names Charlie, Eden and Clint written on them. He had to bite back a grin. He bet Clint loved that.

“Daisy!” Ellie leapt up and came running towards his girl. “You’re here.” She took Daisy into her arms and squeezed her tight. He felt the tension in Daisy ease. Clint was sitting in one armchair, Charlie on his knee while Abby lay against Kent on the sofa.

“Guess what?” Ellie told her, bouncing up and down. Bear, who was leaning against the mantel, grinned at his girl indulgently.

“What?” Daisy asked.

“Santa’s coming!”

“Um, yeah, in two days on Christmas day,” Daisy said, looking confused.

Ellie took her hand. “No, I mean now! Santa’s coming now.”

Daisy looked back at him, eyes wide. “Really?”

He grinned. “Really. Do you like this surprise?”

Her smile told him everything he needed to know then she wrapped her arms around him, her face lighting with pleasure. “Nope, I don’t. I love it!”

“And he’s bringing us all presents. And we get to sit on his knee and have our photo taken. Abby got sad the other day ‘cause she’s never had her photo taken with Santa but we all gets a turn.” Ellie clapped her hands, her eyes sparkling then she turned and raced back to Bear, who grabbed hold of her and lifted her up onto his hip.

“I’m so excited!” Ellie said loudly and everyone laughed.

Then Daisy looked up at him worriedly. “He won’t make fun of us?”

“What?” He frowned. “Who?”

“Whoever is playing Santa. He won’t make fun of us. Of them.” She waved her hand out over her friends.

He cupped the side of her face with his hand. “Do you think I’d ever allow you to be around someone who would make fun of you?”

She blinked then shook her head, the tension easing from her body. “No, Daddy.”

“That’s right. So just enjoy the moment.” He kissed her lips lightly. “Besides, this is Santa. Santa doesn’t make fun of little boys and girls.”

“Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!” Someone boomed from behind them.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic