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“It says, Daddy’s darling,” Charlie told them.

Daisy grinned at Charlie who smiled happily back.

“Come on, Abby, show us yours.”

Daisy looked over to find Abby sitting on Kent’s lap, kissing him. The other girl blushed as everyone turned to look at her. Then she wiggled off his lap and walked over to show them hers. Abby’s necklace was rose gold.

“It says Daddy’s sweet girl,” she told them all shyly.

“Tomorrow is a big day, with the wedding, so this is the last day for our special new advent calendar tradition,” Jed told her.

She slid her arms around her neck. “Best Christmas ever.”


Bear and Ellie

Ellie stared out at Aunt Rose’s house. It was a quarter to four on Christmas Eve.

Her wedding day.

Tears threatened but she didn’t let them fall. Not only because of her make-up, but because this was meant to be a happy day, not a sad one.

“Ellie, you okay?” Linc turned in his seat to look back at her. Both Charlie, who was sitting up front and Abby who was sitting next to her, turned to stare at her as well.

“I’m okay,” she told them with a shaky smile. “Just can’t believe it’s really here. I’m getting married.”

Abby reached over and squeezed her hand with a grin. “You sure are.”

Both Abby and Charlie had on purple-gray dresses with a lace bodice and skirts that flowed out from their waists. “You guys look so beautiful,” she told them.

Charlie giggled. “I think that’s meant to be our line.”

“Thanks for doing this with me. I couldn’t do it without you guys.” They were the best friends a girl could ask for and she was so glad she’d found them. Caring for her parents, she’d felt so isolated and alone, but not anymore. Now she had a man who adored and loved her, and friends who were family.

She had everything.

“We have ten minutes and it will take me that long to get you all out of the truck,” Linc told them. “And if we’re late, Bear will kill me.”

Ellie giggled. He would. He was waiting around the back of the house. Even though it was cold, she’d really wanted to have an outdoor wedding, so they’d erected a big tent in the backyard and put several heaters inside to warm it up.

“Each of you wait until I get you out, understand? No one moves without me,” Linc bossed.

Abby handed them both faux fur pale pink cloaks before wrapping one around herself.

Charlie’s door opened and Linc was there, lifting her down. “Go wait on the pavement, Charlie.”

Abby was next. Then Linc opened her door and lifted her down.

“Ready, honey?”

“Oh yes,” she breathed.

She followed the others around the side of the house. Then Linc left to tell the minister she was here. As the sound of Die a Happy Man filled the air that was their cue. Abby left first. Charlie turned to her and gave her a wink.

“Love you.”

“Love you too,” Ellie said.

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