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“Little girl,” he said sternly. “What do you think you are doing?”

“I can wipe my own bottom,” she replied sulkily.

“Daddy will wipe,” he replied, proceeding to do just that, while she turned bright red. He then helped her up and washed both of their hands.

“And now, I think it’s time we tested your time-out chair.”

“What? Daddy, no!” she cried out as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. “I don’t need a time-out.”

“You do,” he said firmly. “You woke up grumpy. You know better than to try to stop Daddy from taking care of you. And you hit me.”

“It didn’t hurt you.”

“Not the point,” he told her as he set her in the chair which was already facing the corner. He took hold of her chin as he crouched next to her, turning her to face him. “You could have hurt you. And that is completely unacceptable. You do not hit Daddy. Ever. Understand?”

Tears welled. I’m such an idiot.

“Hey, Daisy-girl,” he said gently. “I don’t like that look on your face, you wouldn’t be thinking bad things about my girl, are you?”

She took in a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry, Daddy. That was naughty of me to hit you. I promise I won’t do it again.”

He kissed her gently. “Good girl. Apology accepted. Five minutes in time-out and then all will be forgiven and forgotten, okay?”

She nodded. And even though she hated every second of it, she sat in that chair and stared at the wall.

So boring.

But she knew that afterwards, all really would be forgiven.

And that was an amazing thing.

“All right, sugar. Come here. Your time-out is over.”

He watched her jump quickly to her feet, nearly knocking over her time-out chair in her haste to get out of the corner.

He crooked his finger at her and she raced over to him. He helped her onto

his lap, holding her tight as he sat back in the chair.

Fuck. He was the luckiest guy in the world. He buried his face into her hair, drew in her scent.

Sugar and strawberries.

He’d been given a second chance at having everything and he was never going to forget it. Or waste it. Daisy wrapped an arm around his neck and held on equally as tightly. He drew back, knowing he’d have to get her ready or they’d be late. “Love you, Daisy-girl.”

She smiled up at him. Most gorgeous smile in the world. “Love you too.”

“All right, let’s get you dressed.” He stood and carried her over to the bed then lay her on her back. A light blush filled her cheeks. She still struggled with some of the ways he enjoyed taking care of her. Like when he remained while she used the bathroom. He only did that when they were here in her Little girl bedroom. He was going slowly and carefully so as not to overwhelm or scare her, but eventually he thought that he might get a changing table in here.

He pulled the nightie up over her head.

“Dressed?” Daisy looked up at him, her face confused. “Are we going somewhere?”

“Yep, we’re going to Charlie and Clint’s place.”

He walked over and pulled out some panties out of one of her drawers. She was allowed to wear panties when they left the house or had guests over. Since it was cold out, she’d also need some tights. He grabbed a red pair. Then he moved to the wardrobe and picked out the cute Christmas dress he’d found online. It was green with reindeer and candy canes all over it.

“Daddy? Why’re we going to Charlie’s house?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic