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She’d been so tired last night she’d almost fallen asleep eating dinner. Clint had ended up feeding her and putting her to bed.

She used the bathroom then walked over to grab some coffee wondering where Clint was. Then she saw the folded piece of paper next to her coffee mug along with a small wrapped package. Clint had told her last night about Kent’s Advent calendar idea.

She picked it up and opened the note and her eyes grew wide. She looked over at the package, quickly unwrapped it and pulled out the small egg-shaped object that was inside.

Good morning, darling. Open your present, inside you’ll find a vibrating egg. Put it inside and enjoy. Oh, and panties are not allowed.


Oh God. Oh Lord.

Her pulse raced. This wasn’t exactly what she’d expected. Well, she hadn’t known what to expect. She picked up the egg. How had he even managed to get this? He’d only told her about Kent’s idea yesterday.

Which meant he’d already had the egg. She shook her head. Clint never failed to surprise her. She set her coffee down and moved over to the bed. She slid her panties off then lay on her back on the bed, feeling very naughty. Reaching down, she parted her already slickened lower lips. Her breath came fast as she pushed the egg up inside her pussy. Where was Clint? How would he know she’d put it inside her? She knew he wouldn’t have gone far. He wouldn’t leave her for long.

She climbed to her feet carefully and walked over to the kitchen to grab her coffee. She took very small steps, worried it might slip out. As she reached the kitchen counter, the egg buzzed on and she gasped, having to hold onto the counter to keep her legs from collapsing beneath her.

Okay, so maybe coffee wasn’t the best idea. At least not until she got used to the vibrations going on and off. It stopped and she took a few hasty sips. Should she take a shower with it in? Maybe not. She’d wait for Clint to return before she attempted that. She shuffled her way towards the sofa, thinking she might be safest sitting. As she sat, it buzzed on again.

Holy shit.

It was like an electrical charge going through her body. Her heart raced. Her breath came in sharp pants. She was so close to coming. She thought about reaching down between her legs to rub her clit. But what if Clint walked in?

The egg went off before she could decide and she sat there for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath, her entire body buzzing.

By the time Clint walked through the door about fifteen minutes later, she was completely on edge, she needed to come. Badly.

“Good morning, little darling,” he said cheerfully as he walked in and took off his jacket. “How are we feeling today? You had a nice long sleep-in.”

“Are you spying on me?” she asked “How do you know when I got up?”

“Camera monitor, remember?” He set the monitor down on the counter.

She looked up at the corner of the room to where the camera was installed. Shit. She’d forgotten that was there. Well, that explained that.

He moved over to the fire and added some more wood. She knew better than to try and do that herself. Not that she would dare with this damn vibrating egg inside her. Then he walked over to the coffee table and sat facing her.

“I want to take a shower,” she told him grumpily.

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Wake up with a bit of an attitude this morning?”

She stiffened at that. “Nope. I just really want a shower.”

“You’re not enjoying the gift you got this morning, sweetheart?”

Her heart raced as he reached out and undid her robe. “It wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be.”

“No?” He drew her robe back. Then he ran his hand up her thigh. “You complaining?”

“N-not exactly,” she stuttered out as his hand moved closer to her pussy.

“Part your legs, Charlotte,” he commanded.

She spread her legs and he immediately ran his finger around her clit. “If you want something, then I expect you to ask for it. With manners. I’m thinking from how wet and hot you are, that a shower isn’t the thing you want most, is it?”

The egg buzzed back on. Damn it, she hadn’t even seen him do that.

“N-no!” she cried out.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic