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“Do nothing all day? You serious?” He ran his thumb over her lower lip. “First of all, you do not do nothing all day. You run around taking care of everyone else. You’re down at the stables, helping with the horses or visiting people who aren’t feeling well or organizing stuff around here. Second of all, just because I might have wanted something different for our wedding at first doesn’t mean I do now.”

“You don’t?”

“No, baby girl.” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I want you happy. This is what you want. And truth is, I like the idea of getting married at your aunt’s house with everyone around us.”

“Oh.” A weight lifted off her chest.

“Don’t like that you’ve been thinking you have to do it all because you’re worried this wasn’t what I wanted.” He gave her a stern look and she bit her lip. “Ellie, I do not want or expect you to do it all or run yourself ragged. So it stops now. Tomorrow, first thing you do after breakfast is write that list. We’ll go over it tomorrow evening.”

More of the weight lifted. “Okay.”

“Good, little girl. Also, Kent gave me an idea last night. A new Christmas tradition for us.”

She frowned. “What’s that?”

He grasped hold of her bottom with both of his hands. “I’m going to set you a task each day or sometimes I might leave you a little gift. Be like an advent calendar, only there’s no chocolate involved.”

“Oh. What sort of task? Like cleaning the cabin or something?”

He shook his head. “No, you already have this c

abin spotless. You don’t need to be doing any more cleaning. Some of these tasks will be for your Little, some will be for big Ellie.”

She still wasn’t sure what he meant but she found herself nodding, curious as to what exactly that meant.

“That’s my good girl. Now, lie yourself over my thigh. Let’s get this spanking done and then you can take a nap.”

“Daddy, I don’t need a spanking.”

“That’s what you say every time. Has it ever once worked to get you out of a spanking?” he asked in a deep voice.

She shook her head with a pout. Damn it.

He turned her, tipped her over his left thigh. Her legs were trapped between his so she couldn’t move them. His hand landed on her ass with a heavy thump. She jolted with a loud cry.


Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Daddy!” she cried out. “It hurts!”

“It’s meant to, baby. Wouldn’t make much of an impression if it didn’t.”

Knowing he’d never stray from a path he set himself, especially when it came to her, there was no recourse for her but to lie over his leg as he paddled her bottom with his enormous hand. He very rarely used anything else. His hand made enough of an impact.

He spanked her until tears dripped down her face and she was sobbing. Then he drew her up into his arms, rocking her gently. He kissed her forehead, just holding her in his powerful arms until she calmed.

And when he slid her into bed with Jeremiah Bear there was a smile on her face.

Because Daddy loved her.


Charlie and Clint

Charlie climbed out of bed and stretched. She looked around her with a grin. She loved coming to the cabin. Even though Clint had cut down on a lot of his workload, he still had things to do when they were at the ranch and there were people in and out of the house all day long. Not that she’d have it any other way. She loved having so many people around when she’d felt lonely all her life. But still, having Clint to herself was special.

She grabbed her robe, wrapping it around her and slipped her feet into her froggy slippers. Even though Clint had lit the fire last evening when they’d arrived, the cabin still felt a bit chilly from being unused for so long.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic