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“What is it you want then?” he asked calmly.

“I want. . .I want. . .” God she couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. His finger only touched her lightly and her clit felt so sensitive she wasn’t even certain she could come.

“Yes? Tell me what you want.”

“I want to come! Please!”

His finger increased its pressure, moving with an expertise that pushed her up and over the edge. She crashed. Her body convulsed and she was barely even aware that he was moving her, carrying her to the bed. He set her down on her feet but held her against him with one arm around her waist, no doubt guessing that she didn’t have a chance of standing on her own, and dragged off her robe and nightgown.

He picked her up so he could lay her on the bed. He didn’t waste any time, placing his knee on the bed next to her as he bent and his mouth went to her nipple, latched on and sucked. She cried out again. The egg was still buzzing away inside her as he toyed with her breasts.

“You cold, baby?” he asked in a rough voice.

She shook her head. Cold? Was he insane? She was on fire.

He grinned. God, she loved that. When Clint grinned, it was magical.

“I love you so much,” she told him.

His smile turned gentler. Standing, he stripped. Slowly. She rolled to her side to watch him as he revealed inch by tantalizing inch. When all that deliciousness was exposed, he bent over her once more, his knee on the bed, his hands resting on the mattress on either side of her. He stared at her, studied her.


Her heart skipped a beat. “Yes. I’m all yours.”

“And thank God for that.”

Suddenly, he moved. Reaching down, he pulled something out of the pocket of his jeans. The buzzing of the egg stopped.

“Over on your hands and knees, darling.”

Excitement rolled through her as she quickly moved into position. He knelt behind her, running his hands over her ass before tapping one cheek lightly. She moaned. He gave the other cheek a light smack.

“World’s most amazing ass.”

She grinned over her shoulder at him, and wiggled her bottom. Another smack, this one harder. “Tease.”

She let out a chuckle which soon turned into a moan as he hit her bottom a few more times, warming it up. Heat filled her body. She needed him. Wanted him inside her. Then he reached lower, fingers dipping inside her as he withdrew the egg, putting it on the bed beside her.

She felt his teeth scrape over her warm ass. She groaned. Fuck.

“Yeah, my baby liked her present.”

No denying that. Even if it had felt like torture at the time, it was the most delicious kind. Clint moved, rolling onto his back beneath her. He grasped hold of her hips, pulling her down to his mouth. She gasped as he used his tongue to flick her clit then he moved lower, thrusting his tongue inside her.

“Clint!” she screamed. She was so close already. And she didn’t want to come without him inside her.

He played with her a bit more, until she was gasping, her legs shaking as she did her best to hold back her orgasm. Thankfully, he moved again, back onto his knees. He settled himself in behind her before sinking himself deep.

She arched, her head going back, taking all of him. Clenching around him, she reached up to hold onto the headboard as he thrust hard and fast inside her. Claiming her. Even though she was already his.

Utterly and totally his.

He moved his finger between her legs, toying with her clit and she reached that peak. Then crashed over.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. Squeeze me tight. Shit. Shit.” She heard his cry as he came and she slumped forward onto the mattress, completely spent. He gave her his weight for just a few brief seconds before ro

lling to her side and drawing her up and over him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic