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He turned her towards the bathroom and gave her a sharp smack that landed on her ass. “Get a move on.”

Ellie moved reluctantly and slowly. But she did move. She knew that not doing as she was told at this point was only going to make the spanking she had coming her way worse. And she guessed she did deserve a spanking after the performance she’d just put on.

Not that she’d tell Bear that.

She used the toilet, washed her face and brushed her teeth. As she did, she looked into the mirror. She looked tired. It wasn’t just the party, which had been epic. Best hen party a girl could ask for. At least a girl like her. But it was also the wedding preparation. Bear had wanted something very small. Just a few close friends, a minister and some food. She was the one who’d wanted something more. A magical Christmas fairytale wedding. It wasn’t huge, but it was more than Bear had anticipated.

So she’d been trying to do everything herself. Not wanting him to regret giving her this.

And she was sooo tired. It felt like she didn’t have the energy for anything else. She’d been trying to hide that from him too. She hadn’t seen as much of him lately as she usually did, which made hiding her fatigue easier.

Only that sucked too. She’d had barely any Little time lately and she missed it. But most of all, she just missed Bear. The way he’d hug her tight and make everything seem better.

Now her exhaustion was catching up to her. She couldn’t believe she’d acted like such a brat.

“Ellie? You finished up in there yet, little girl?”

Well, it seemed like she was getting some Little time now. Just not quite in the way she’d wished for. Still, she forced herself to walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Bear was sitting on the bed, his legs wide. He crooked a finger at her then pointed to the floor between his big feet.

Such a large man. A strong man. And yet so gentle and loving as well.

The perfect man for her.

She moved between his legs and he started to undress her. She yawned, unable to stop herself.

“You’re exhausted, baby girl.”

“Just a little tired, Daddy,” she replied.

“Exhausted,” he repeated. “And not just from last night. You’re doing too much. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your bedtime getting later and later.” He tipped up her chin then kissed her gently. “Should have put a stop to that before now.”


He drew off her bra, exposing her breasts, her nipples grew tight. He reached for her panties, pulling them down her legs. She held onto his wide shoulders as she stepped out of them. He ran his hand up her leg and round to cup her bottom.

“From now on, until I deem you’ve caught up on your sleep, you’re gonna have a daily nap,” he instructed.

Her jaw dropped and she just gaped at him. “I can’t nap every day!”

“You can. I’ll be home each lunchtime to eat with you then I’ll put you down. And I’ll be checking in to make sure you don’t get up as soon as my back is turned, so don’t even think about it. Two hour naps. Every day.”

“Two hours!” Oh, this really wasn’t good. “What if I can’t sleep?”

“Then you’ll stay in bed and rest at least.”

“That’s so boring.”

“Better to be bored than tiring yourself out so completely that you end up throwing a tantrum and getting a spanking though, don’t you think?”

Hmm. Let her think about that for a moment.

Bear tilted her face up with his hand on her chin. “You’re gonna start getting some more rest, you’re also going to write down all the tasks that have to be done between now and the wedding and we’re gonna divvy them up.”

“But I thought you didn’t want to do any of the wedding stuff. And I’ve got it under control.”

He frowned slightly. “Why would you think that?”

She shrugged. “You wanted a small wedding at the courthouse with just Kent and Clint. I was the one who pushed for more so I should organize it. Plus, you work so hard and I do nothing all day, so. . .”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic