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With a sigh, sh

e stomped her way towards where her toys were kept in a chest next to the fireplace. She pulled up the lid.

“Ellie, aren’t you forgetting something?” Bear asked.

“Nope. Gonna do some coloring.” Maybe that would put her in a better mood.

“Ellie,” he said more sternly.

“I’m gonna get my glasses,” she snapped, walking past him. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Bear reached out and grabbed her arm as she moved past him towards where her glasses were normally kept.

“Ellie, look at me.”

She glared up at him. “What?”

His gaze narrowed. That look meant she should tread carefully. Only problem was, she seemed bound and determined not to listen to reason today.

“I know you’re tired and grouchy, but you want to watch your tone, little miss.”

“Can’t watch a tone, it’s invisible,” she informed him.

He sighed, and looked to the heavens as though searching for patience.

“Ellie, go unpack your bag,” he told her in a low, calm voice.

“I don’t want to. I want to color.”

“Gonna give you to the count of three,” he rumbled. “One.”

She scowled.


She stepped back. He let her go.


Before he got the word out, she was moving towards the backpack. She hauled it over to the bed, then pulled everything out and started shoving it into drawers.

Bear sighed again. Then he came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Stop, little girl.”

“But you just told me to unpack.”

“This isn’t unpacking, this is having a tantrum.”

She stiffened at those words. Uh-oh. Then she looked guiltily around. Crap. She was acting like a total and utter brat. She sagged in his arms.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

He kissed the top of her head. “There’s my sweet girl. Now, I know you’re tired and probably not feeling all that great which is why you’re going to go to the bathroom and use the toilet, wash your face, brush your teeth and then you’re gonna come back and I’ll get you into your PJs for a nap.”

“I don’t need a nap.” She turned her head to scowl up at him.

“You do. You also need a good spanking.”

“Nooo,” she whined.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic