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Jed nodded.

“You’re on,” Bear said.

Ellie shook her booty.

Shake. Shake. Shake. Just as the song told her. Then she threw her hands up in the air with a laugh. She glanced over at Charlie as her friend pulled out the sprinkler. She giggled as her friend’s arm shot out in front of her. She looked towards Daisy and Abby who were dancing in a two-woman conga line.

That looked fun.

Ellie raced over to join them, placing her hands on Abby’s waist as Daisy led the line. She flung her feet out to the side and they conga-danced their way over to Charlie who moved in behind her. They danced in a line around the room until Abby reached their beds.

Ellie was exhausted. She flopped back on her bed with a laugh. Charlie walked over and switched the music off.

Ellie heard someone groan and rolled over to see Daisy lying on her side, facing her.

“Don’t tell Daddy this, but I think I ate too much candy,” Daisy told her, looking ill.

“You okay, Daisy?” Ellie asked her, concerned. “You want me to get your Daddy?” All of the daddies had decided to stay over, which didn’t surprise her. What had surprised her was that they’d left the girls to it.

Daisy shook her head. “No, I’m good. Thanks, Ellie. I think I’ll just go to bed.”

Ellie yawned. It was after two in the morning she saw with surprise as she looked at the clock on the wall. “Me too.”

“We can all take turns in the bathroom,” Charlie said. “Daisy, you go first.”

Daisy nodded tiredly. They’d already all put their PJs on, they just needed to brush their teeth and use the facilities.

After she’d used the bathroom, Ellie climbed into her bed. The main lights in the room were off, but the fairy lights that hung off each of the girls teepees provided a pretty, soft light. She grabbed Jeremiah Bear Junior and hugged him tight. Then she rolled towards Charlie’s bed.

“Charlie?” she whispered.

“Yeah?” Charlie whispered back.

“Thank you so much. You’re the bestest best friend a girl could ever have.”

There was a beat of silence then a little sniffle. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had too, Ellie. I hope you had a great night.”

“I’m with my best friends, we’ve had candy, played games, had our nails done and danced, what more could a girl want for her hen party? It was wonderful.”

Her cheeks ached from smiling so much. Her tummy felt slightly queasy from too much sugar. And she was so tired, she couldn’t even keep her eyes open. She’d had an amazing time.

“Yay. Now get some sleep or you’ll be grouchy tomorrow.”

Not a chance.

Ellie was grumpy.

Super grumpy.

Which was unusual for her. She wasn’t really a grumpy sort of person. But there was this icky feeling in her tummy, probably from an overload of sugar, and her head was sore, probably too much Coke and not enough water, and she just generally felt off.

She stomped her way into the cabin, Bear walking quietly behind her. And for some reason even that made her feel grumpy and she had no idea why.

“I wanted to stay longer.” She pouted.

“Baby, it’s nearly two in the afternoon, you spent all night and most of today with your friends. It was time to come home.”

His voice was mega patient. Understanding. And her level of grouchiness grew.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic