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“Eek! I can’t believe it’s party time! I’m so excited!”

Bear looked down at his girl indulgently. His fiancée. Christ, how the hell did he get so damn lucky? Even after a year, he still felt like the luckiest fucking guy each night when he closed his eyes and even luckier when he woke the next morning with Ellie tucked in against him.

She’d always been his, since that moment he pulled her out of her car when she’d crashed into that tree. It was just that now she was becoming his in another way. An official way.

And he couldn’t wait.

There was just one cloud looming on the horizon. But he intended that by the time it got to Christmas Eve, their wedding day, that dark cloud would be so far in the distance it was just a dot.

No one was putting a gloom on their special day. If they tried, they’d find out exactly how protective Bear was of his girl.

He turned down the path, headed towards the big house. Ellie skipped alongside him, filled with excess energy. She was dressed in a pink puffer jacket, her hair tamed into two braids. A white hat with a pink pom-pom rested on her head. Her hands were encased in warm gloves and she wore more pink gumboots with daisies on them.

In other words, she looked absolutely fucking adorable.

“Remember, you’re not to leave the house,” he reminded her. “You need to go somewhere for some reason, you text me and I’ll come get you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Bear, I can leave the house on my own. I won’t get lost. I’ve lived here a year now; I know my way around.”

Barely. And she had a habit of wandering off without noticing where she was going then finding herself in a place she didn’t recognize. He’d had to get very firm with her about paying attention to her surroundings. And when she’d had to go into Wishingbone for dress fittings, he’d made certain that Charlie was on Ellie-watch so she didn’t wander off. And usually, Clint, Kent or Jed drove them in and out.

Still, he thought this bore repeating.

“Even so, you might decide to go out for something, I’m just saying you text me first. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy Big Bear.” Then she threw him a salute.

He just gave her a look that told her what he thought of her cheekiness. She hadn’t let him forget that Daisy had called him Mr. Big Bear when she first met him. Daisy was still horrified. Ellie, unfortunately, thought it was hilarious.

He stopped and put down her bag which he’d been carrying over his shoulder. Then he pulled her up into his arms so they were face to face, his arm under her bottom. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. He was always aware of how much bigger he was than her. She was precious to him and he’d never want to harm her.

“I want you to have a fantastic time, baby girl, and I know with what your girls have organized for you that you will. But I also want you to be safe while having that fun. So while you might not have to follow some of your rules tonight, like going to bed on time, all safety rules apply. Understand?”

Her eyes filled with warmth. “Yes. Love you, Bear.”

“Love you too, baby girl.”

“I promise, I’ll be good.”

He snorted. “Don’t go making promises you know you can’t keep.”

She giggled as he tickled her side. “Daddy!”

He set her down with a heavy smack on the bottom.

“Ouch, Daddy!” she said as she rubbed her bottom. He just shook his head, knowing it barely hurt through the layers of clothing she was wearing. He nabbed her bag once more and took a tight hold of her hand.

As they neared the big house, he saw Kent pull up. He sent a wave their way then walked around to the passenger door and lifted Abby out of her car seat. He whispered something to her that made her smile up at him.

Happiness filled Bear. He liked it that his two closest friends had found their women. Charlie and Abby were perfect for Clint and Kent.

Another truck pulled up. Jed. Bear wasn’t as close to him as some of the other guys. Jed kept to himself, but he was a good man and since he’d found Daisy, he was a much happier man.

The two of them finding each other after so many years apart was pretty much a miracle. Ellie insisted that her Aunt Rose had something to do with it. Even though Aunt Rose had been gone a while now, well, Bear wasn’t arguing with her.

Jed helped Daisy out then tucked her in against him, his hand pushed firmly into the back pocket of her jeans. Trust didn’t come easy to Daisy. He thought it was a tribute to Ellie, Charlie and Abby that she’d opened up enough to show them her Little.

He also figured Jed’s unwavering love and attention had a lot to do with it too.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic