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“What’s your drawing of, sweet girl?” Daddy asked as he ran the sponge over her nipple. The bud hardened as she gave a shiver and a pulse of awareness ran down to her clit.

“This is you, Daddy.” She pointed out the big stick figure. “And me.” The smaller stick figure. “And our house.”

“Well done,” he praised her.

“Thanks, Daddy. It’s a work in progress.”

“Ah, well, I need you to take a break from creating your masterpiece and roll over onto your hands and knees for me.”

Her heart raced even as she pouted. “Daddy, I can’t stop now. It’s not finished.”

“And you can get back to drawing as soon as I

wash your bottom and pussy.”

“Daddy!” She blushed bright red. “That’s a naughty word.”

“What? Pussy? What else should I call it?” He grinned down at her.

“I don’t know,” she mumbled as she continued to color.

“Little girl, I would think your bottom is sore enough that you wouldn’t want to risk another spanking,” he spoke in a low, warning voice

He’d be right about that. She quickly moved over onto her hands and knees.

“Move your chest lower, spread those legs as wide as you can,” he ordered.

Kent had a large, deep bath which meant she was able to push her legs quite far apart. He didn’t fill it when he was bathing her, so she was able to tip forward easily.

She felt him part her bottom cheeks and she closed her eyes, tensing up.

“Relax, baby. Daddy’s just got to make sure that all of his girl is clean.” A trickle of water dripped down between her bottom cheeks, hitting her puckered hole. Oh hell. That felt so good. He moved his hand down to her pussy, and spreading her lips, ran a finger up and down her slit. When he reached her clit he gave it a few firm flicks. She groaned, her pulse jumping. Then he moved his hand up to her bottom hole. He slid his finger between her cheeks and she gasped.

“Easy, baby girl. Let me in.” He pushed the tip of his finger against her back hole. There was nothing to ease his way so he didn’t press it inside her but it was still enough to make her breath come fast, have her clit throb.

“Good girl,” he murmured to her. “What a pink bottom you have. If you weren’t heading off to a party, I’d be putting a big, fat plug in this naughty hole.”

Part of her was grateful for the party. Another part of her wished they had more time.

“Stay right there,” he ordered. He moved, reaching over into the bathroom cupboards. He drew out a small waterproof vibrator and a tube of lube.

“We do have time for a little play.” He handed over the small, bright blue vibe. “Hold that against your clit while Daddy plays with your back hole.”

Oh hell. She blushed at the idea of using the vibrator to get herself off. But she definitely wasn’t about to say no. So she rested her weight on one hand and grasped hold of the vibrator with the other, pressing it on then holding it against her swollen clit.

Kent spread her bottom cheeks. “Uh-uh, don’t tense up. That’s a girl. Stay nice and relaxed for me.” There was the squirt of cold lube against her hole and then he slowly pressed his finger inside her. “That’s it. Come on, baby. I can hear how close you are. You like something in your bottom, don’t you?”

She really did. She loved the feel of him pushing his finger deep. His movements were slow to begin with then they grew faster. Her breath came in pants, her whole body trembling.

“Give it to me, sweet girl. Let me hear you scream. Come now.”

She threw her head back, her body convulsing as she gave over to her orgasm.

And she gave him what he wanted.


Bear and Ellie

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic