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All right, enough with the mushy shit.

He gave Kent and Jed a nod as they grew close. Then he smiled down at Abby first then Daisy. “Ready for a party, girls?”

Abby nodded excitedly while Daisy sent him a small smile.

“Think the question should be, are we?

” Kent said dryly as he wrapped his arm around Abby’s shoulders and directed her towards the house. “Or at least are we ready for the aftermath tomorrow? Gonna have some tired, grumpy girls on our hands.”

“Nothing a hot bottom and a good nap won’t fix,” Jed rumbled.

“Jed!” Daisy protested.

Bear winked down at Ellie, who grinned up at him.

Ellie stared around the room with an open mouth. Four gorgeous beds were made up with teepees over the ends and fairy lights hanging down the sides. The food that covered two tables looked absolutely delicious. Charlie had set up play stations around the room to cater to everyone. It was beautiful and better than she could ever have imagined.

“So? Do you like it?” Charlie asked anxiously. She ran her gaze around the room. “Am I missing something? Is it too much?”

Too much?

Ellie turned to her. “It’s magical.”

Charlie breathed out a deep sigh.

“I can’t believe you did all this,” Abby said, walking around. “It’s amazing. You should have called me to come help you.”

“It didn’t take much time,” Charlie said.

Ellie snorted. “Clint will roast your butt if he hears you lying like that.”

Charlie slammed her hand over Ellie’s mouth and looked over to the other end of the room where the men were all standing, chomping down on Charlie’s cookies. Ellie noticed that Daisy was still standing next to Jed, looking around the room with some surprise and a bit of trepidation. Ellie knew Daisy sometimes felt uncomfortable in social situations. She wasn’t shy exactly, just reserved and happy with her own company. Ellie hoped she’d enjoy tonight. She also hoped the other woman didn’t feel left out because the three of them were so close. Charlie and Abby were Ellie’s bridesmaids. Kent and Clint were standing up for Bear. But she’d tried to still include Daisy in everything.

“Hush, I barely avoided a spanking earlier,” Charlie told her on a whisper.

“I didn’t,” Abby said with a pout. “Got my butt roasted with Kent’s hand and my hairbrush.”

Charlie dropped her hand from Ellie’s mouth. “Ooh, the hairbrush. Ouchie. What’d you do?”

“I moved the Christmas tree on my own.” Abby shrugged. “I’ve been feeling guilty about being so excited over Christmas and everything when you know. . .with my family all gone. . .”

“Oh, Abby,” Ellie said, feeling for her. She knew what it was like not to have family. Ellie’s parents weren’t dead, but they’d basically treated her like their slave for years and she hadn’t spoken to them in nearly a year. They weren’t even invited to the wedding. And Charlie’s aunt had been even worse than her parents. At least they hadn’t locked her in a closet or starved her.

Ellie looked over at Daisy. She guessed she knew what it was like to be without family as well. She had siblings, but from what little Ellie knew; they weren’t all that close. Ellie threw her arms around Abby, hugging her tight. She caught Kent glancing their way, concern on his face and she gave him a thumbs up.

He grinned at her.

“Enough about me.” Abby pulled back. “This is your night and we need to start having some fun!”

Ellie clapped her hands together and bounced up and down. She noticed Bear smiling over at her and she blew him a kiss. Her gaze went back to Daisy, though.

“First things first, we have to work on helping Daisy feel more at ease.”

Charlie nodded. “I think I’ve got an idea. Come on.”

Charlie marched forward. Ellie sent Abby a wide-eyed look and the other woman just shrugged then slipped her hand into Ellie’s and they followed.

“Daisy, you wanna come see where you’re sleeping?” Charlie asked as she grew closer to the other woman, who hadn’t moved more than a foot away from Jed. Charlie held out her hand.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic