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He drew her close, holding her against his chest with one firm arm around her waist then he gave the tops of her thighs a few smacks.

“No, Daddy, stop! I’ll be good.”

He snorted. “If only I could believe that.”

She moved away as he loosened his hold. “I’m sorry. I’ll try better.”

“Hey.” He reached out and grabbed hold of her chin, lifting her face up. “I’m not angry, you know that, right? And I really like that you want to touch me, it’s just that I’ve wanted you since I first saw you and now that my dick knows it’s going to get inside your tight cunt, it wants in there now. I’m on the edge here, baby girl. And I want to make you feel good before I get inside you.”

“But I do feel good.”

“You’re about to feel better. In position. Now.”

She moved without another word, pressing her face to the mattress, pushing her ass up.

“Spread your legs wider.”

She pushed them further apart and he rubbed her ass.

Her body relaxed as he lightly ran his hand over her bottom. He cupped her left cheek, feeling the slight heat. Then he squeezed and she gasped.

“Ah, poor baby, does that hurt?”

“Yes,” she told him in a put-upon voice.

“Let’s see what I can do to make you feel better.” He started to place kisses across the pink skin.

She gasped, jolted forward. “No!”

“Uh-uh, back in position. I’m not hurting you. If something truly scares or hurts you then you can use the word, red. But since I don’t intend on doing much more than soothing and playing with you, I don’t expect you will use it.”

He parted her ass cheeks and ran his finger down the seam, pressing his digit against her puckered entrance. She gasped but didn’t move. He grabbed the jar of lube he kept in the bedside drawers. Opening it, he dipped two fingers in before he parted the cheeks of her ass again.

“Going to have to do some shopping,” he told her as he dabbed some lube on her asshole, as much as to build the anticipation as anything else. Then he slowly pressed one finger inside her. She let out a cry. He knew he would be playing with her bottom a lot. “Need some plugs to stretch you.”

She shook her head then moaned as he pressed his finger deep. “You are so tight. So hot. I’m going to work you up slowly, baby, but I will take you here. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re nice and ready. I wouldn’t ever put you at risk.”

“I know you wouldn’t.” She turned her head around with a sigh as he started to push his second finger in. She was so tight that he knew it had to burn, but other than a small squeak when he pushed two fingers deep, she didn’t make a noise.

With his other hand, he decided to check how much she liked this. He reached down and cupped her pussy.

“Someone is very wet, aren’t they?” He ran his finger along her slit. “My little girl really loves having Daddy play with her bottom.” He brought the finger that he’d been running through her slick lower lips to his mouth and sucked it clean.

“Yum. Delicious.”

“Oh God. Oh God.” Her body shook. He knew she was close to an orgasm. He returned his finger to her pussy and thrust it deep into her passage. She threw her head back with a cry. “Please! Oh, please!”

“Does my baby want to come?” he crooned.

“So bad. Please. Make me come. Please.”

He drew his finger free from her warm passage and tapped her clit. He ran his finger around it then flicked it, played with it. Teased her. She grew tense. He could see the muscles in her thighs quivering.

Oh yes, she needed to come badly.

“Come, little girl. Come with my fingers in your ass. I want to hear you scream.” He flicked his finger against her clit in hard, fast movements, her bottom tightened around his fingers and then she cried out as she came.

Christ, he thought he was going to come then and there. He had to take a deep breath. Remind himself that he wasn’t a teenage boy. He had control.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic