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He drew his fingers free of her ass. “Wait right there. I’m going to wash my hands. Do not move.”

He walked quickly into the bathroom. When he returned, she was still in place, her gorgeous ass high in the air. Fuck. Enough of this. He needed her now.

He strode over to and flipped her around onto her back. She gasped at the sudden movement. He grabbed her hips and drew her ass right to the edge of the mattress. His bed was higher than most and she was now level with his hips. He raised her slightly then entered her in one deep thrust.

“Oh! Oh!”

Shit. What was he doing? This was her first time taking him and he hadn’t even given her a warning, just plowed his way in. He had to exert all of his control to remain still. His breath came in harsh pants, his body trembling with the need to move as he gazed down at her.

“I’m sorry, baby, I should—”

“Move! Oh, please, move. I can’t take it. Please. Please, don’t torture me anymore.”

He studied her face, but all he saw was a mix of pleasure and heat. No pain. God, could she get any more perfect for him? He did what she wanted, knowing he couldn’t hold back. He drew back, thrust forward. He kept the movements as slow as possible to begin with, but her cries combined with the feel of her heat pulsing around him, urged him to go faster. Harder.

Letting go of one hip, he reached down to play with her pussy. He ran his finger up her slit and over her clit. Up and down. He didn’t zero in on her clit immediately, knowing she was probably feeling sensitive there.

His balls burned. His orgasm built in his lower back but he was not coming until she did. He wanted to hear her scream again. Wanted to feel her pussy clench down on him.

“You’re going to come again.”

“No. No.” She thrashed her head from side to side. “I can’t!”

“You can. And you will. Because it’s what I want.”

He circled her clit. She was so wet. So hot. Fuck! He was close. He had to slow down. He started flicking her swollen bud. Soft then faster and harder.

“Daddy!” she scream

ed as she came around him.

Thank fuck.

He grabbed hold of her hips and moved. He drove deep. His movements hard and fast until he felt his own orgasm wash over him, take him over the edge and with a roar he fell over into fucking bliss.


“I’m going back to work tomorrow.” Charlie was sitting in the living room, watching the fire crackle in the hearth. She had a blanket over her lap, which was completely unnecessary, but her man was the protective sort and if he thought she needed something then she was getting it.

Whether she wanted it or not.

Most people would have been back at work by now, but it seemed that Doc and Clint were conspiring to keep her away from work for as long as possible.

Foolish, idiotic, caring men.

Doc had taken out the stitches yesterday, and it looked like she was going to have a small scar. Not that she cared about that. Her test results had shown her iron was low, so she was supposed to eat lots of iron-rich food and vitamin c.

Clint turned away from the fireplace where he’d been adding some wood and walked over to her. “Do you think you give the orders around here?”

She squirmed at his strict tone. “No.”

“And do you think I’m going to allow you to do anything that might put your health in jeopardy?”

“Ellie’s cooking might very well put my health in jeopardy.” She bit her lip as she said that. “Sorry, I wasn’t being mean. I love Ellie.”

He crouched in front of her. “Look at me.”

She stared at him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic