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“Jesus, baby, you have the best breasts.” He nuzzled at them.

“They’re too small.”

Oh no, he wasn’t putting up with that. He reached for her pants and stripped them and her panties down in one yank then he drew her against his body and gave her left ass cheek ten sharp smacks. He was careful to avoid her other cheek, where Doc had administered the birth control injection.

“Ow! Clint! Stop! Why are you spanking me?”

He set her back on her feet. “That wasn’t a proper spanking. That was just a reminder not to talk down about yourself.”

She scowled. “That was one hell of a reminder.”

Oh, she was in for a shock when he really punished her. He lifted her, placing her on the bed and pulled her pants free of her feet. Then he started to strip.

She watched as he drew off his shirt, her breath catching in her throat. Then he reached for his belt, undoing it before quickly stripping off his jeans. This left him in just his boxers. God, he was gorgeous. Thick with muscle, but not too muscular. It was all too obvious that he worked hard for a living. There wasn’t an inch of fat on his sculpted body. From his wide chest down to those firm abs to his hips…

“Jesus, little girl, don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what, Daddy?” she said with fake innocence.

“Like I’m an ice cream and you want to lick me all over.”

r /> Oh yeah, she could get down with that imagery.

Finally, he took off his boxers. And dear Lord, he was magnificent. Long and wide. Erect. She licked her lips, for the first time actually looking forward to taking a cock into her mouth. She’d never felt that way with Brian.

Clint took himself in hand, stroking up and down then he squeezed the base. Charlie moved onto her knees to watch him.

“Oh, you’re so beautiful.”

He appeared startled. Then he let out a bark of laughter. “Not sure I agree with that, sweetheart.”

“You are. Can I touch you?”

He moved to the side of the bed. “Come here, baby.”

She shuffled over on her knees. When she was just a few inches away, he reached out and cupped both breasts in his hands, rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

“Oh. Oh. Please let me touch you.” Her hands reached for him and he drew back with a stern frown.

“Not yet.”

“Why not?” she pouted. She wanted to touch him, taste him, give him as much pleasure as he gave her.

Why not? Because he was worried that as soon as she touched him, he’d lose all control, roll her onto her back and take her.

“Because I’m in charge.”

“You’re always in charge.”

“Damn straight.” He leaned down and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking strongly on it. He tugged lightly on the nipple and she cried out.

“Oh! Oh! Please!”

He lapped at the sore bud then moved to her other nipple, pulling at it, biting down gently then sucking on it as her breath grew faster, her body trembling.

“Turn around,” he told her. “Put your face down on the mattress, your arms out in front of you, I don’t want any weight on your sore hand. But stay on your knees so that ass is high up in the air.”

“But I want to touch you.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic