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Then as he slipped his finger free, she remembered what he’d just said. “I can’t believe you told me you loved me like this!”

Yeah. He hadn’t actually meant to blurt it out like that. But he wanted her to know how much she meant to him.

“I don’t know, telling you that I love you while you’re bare-ass over my knee seemed like perfect timing to me.”

“It hasn’t been long enough.” She spoke so quietly, he barely heard her.

“Says who? You know I’m a man who doesn’t muck around, Charlotte. I want you. I love you. I intend to marry you—”

“You are not asking me like this, Clint Jensen!”

He chuckled. “No, baby. I’m not asking you like this. But soon…”

She didn’t say anything and he grew worried that he was moving too fast. Shit. Had he scared her off?

“I’m sorry, Charlotte. I didn’t mean to move too fast—”

“I love you too, Clint,” she told him.

“What?” He was certain he’d misheard her.

“I love you too. It seems too quick, but it feels so right. You mean everything to me. I love you so much.”

Thank you, God.

“Good,” he said with satisfaction.

She sighed. “Could I get up now please?”

“Hmm, let me think about that.”

She glared at him over her shoulder.

“You don’t look very happy for a woman in love,” he teased her.

She poked her tongue out at him. “I might love you, but I still think you’re far too obsessed with my butt and sticking things in it.”

He had to laugh. “Get used to it, little darling. I have a feeling this bottom is going to find itself filled and spanked often.”

He gently rolled her over and hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her.

Hell, yes. She loved him. He didn’t know how he got so lucky, but he never intended to let her go. He put her clothing to rights then set her down on the sofa. “Stay here, I’m going to wash up and then I’ll be back.” He washed up as quickly as he could. When he returned, he sat and immediately pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him.



“Well…I was wondering…Doc did say it was okay to…” She glanced away shyly. But he grasped hold of her chin, turning her back to face him.

“Charlotte, are you asking me to make love to you?”

“Yes, please, if you want to.”

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. And I want you more with each day that passes. But I need you tell me if you want to stop for any reason, all right? If you’re scared or tired or sore. Got it?”

“I will,” she promised.

He stood, and carried her upstairs. When they were in their bedroom, he set her down by the bed and slowly started to strip her. He pulled off the oversized t-shirt, which just happened to be one of his. She wasn’t wearing a bra and he immediately zeroed in on her nipples, drawing her closer so he could suckle on one then the other.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic