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“Umm, Daddy, are you gonna let me up?” she asked nervously.

“Nope. Not yet.” He pulled her panties down further until they rested at the top of her thighs. A thought occurred to her and she immediately reached back to cover her vulnerable ass.

“I don’t need a spanking, Daddy. I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said quickly.

“Well now that’s definitely not true. I still owe you a spanking for lying to me, for putting yourself down and keeping things from me.”

“Daddy, please, no!” She started kicking her legs, aware of what she must look like with her hands covering her bare bottom, her legs wiggling back and forth.

“Luckily, for you, you just had an injection in your bottom and I don’t want to hurt you.”

She didn’t point out that a spanking was going to hurt either way, because she was very much aware of the reprieve she’d been given.

“Move your hands away from your bottom and put them in front of you.”

“Couldn’t I have this conversation sitting up, Daddy?”

“Little girl, only one butt cheek got the injection, I am perfectly fine with spanking the other one until you learn to obey me.”

She quickly removed her hands.

“Good choice. Now, we’re going to have a talk about your health. My job is to make sure you are happy, safe and healthy. I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I’m here to help with your problems. To make sure you feel loved and secure. My job is to also set limits and enforce them.”

As he spoke, he rubbed her bottom almost soothingly. But she was all too aware of her vulnerable position.

“I do feel safe here, Daddy.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I know I’m asking a lot in a short amount of time, little girl. But there needs to be trust between us for a relationship like this to work.”

“I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone, Clint,” she told him.

“I’m glad to hear that, darling.” There was relief in his voice and something else. She felt him lean over and she turned her head to watch him pick up the vitamins.

Well, crap, seemed she was getting more things poked up her bottom. “You’ve got an obsession with my butt.”

“It is a very nice bottom,” he told her. “And you’re going to have to get used to me wanting access to it at all times, I’m afraid. Now keep those hands in front of you.”

“Are you sure I can’t have the gummy bear vitamins?”

“You heard what Doc said. Sometimes what you want isn’t what’s best for you and Daddy is always going to do what’s best for you. Because he loves you.”

He didn’t. Hell, no, he did not.

Before she could tell him exactly what she thought of him telling her something so momentous while she was lying ass-naked over his lap, he parted her bottom cheeks and slid something cold into her bottom.

God, she hoped no one walked through that door right now.

She let out a screech even though it didn’t hurt. He pushed his finger partially inside her, and kept it there, not moving.

“Daddy!” She clenched around his finger. There was only a slight burn, but it definitely felt odd. “Take it out!”

“Nope, not until I’m certain that you’re not going to push that out. This is going to happen every morning.”

“What if you’ve already left before I wake up?”

“Hmm, good point. We’ll do it each night then.”

Great. So much for wiggling her way out of that one.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic