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“You haven’t had sex yet?” Doc asked.

“No,” Clint replied. “I wanted to make sure she was fully healthy. I also want her protected.”

“Sex will be fine as long as it doesn’t interfere with her getting enough sleep.”

“It won’t,” Clint told him. “I’ve found an orgasm is a good way of getting her to relax and go off to sleep.”

Oh my God, she couldn’t believe he’d just said that!

“I take it you don’t want to use condoms?” Doc asked.

“I’d rather not.” Clint gave her a look filled with heat. Wasn’t this something that they should have discussed alone? “That all right with you, Charlotte?”


sp; She darted her eyes from him to Doc. “Y-yes.”

He smiled. “Good.”

Warmth filled her. She loved making him smile.

“I’ve always used a condom in the past and last time I was tested I was clean,” Clint said. “I haven’t had sex since then.”

Both Doc and Clint looked to her. What? Oh. Right. She cleared her throat. “Brian always used condoms. But because I thought he was cheating on me, I got tested when I left him. I’m clean.”

“Are you on any birth control, Charlie?” Doc asked.

“Umm, no.”

“Any reason for that?”

“I don’t like swallowing pills so...”

“I wasn’t planning on giving you pills,” he said abruptly. “What day in your cycle are you?”

“Oh, umm, I had my period about ten days ago. It’s not very regular, though.”

“Probably because you’re underweight,” Doc commented. He turned to Clint again, dismissing her. She ground her teeth together in irritation. “I can give her an injection now but you’ll still need to use condoms for a week. Roll her over and pull her pants down. I’ll get it ready. Thankfully, I already thought of this and came prepared.”

“What? No!” she cried out as he rolled her over onto his lap and lowered her pants. Then he drew her panties partially down so one bottom cheek was exposed. “Can’t it go in my arm?”

“Better in your bottom,” Doc told her as she tried to wriggle away.

“If you really don’t want it, Charlotte, I can use condoms,” Clint told her. “Even though I’d prefer not to have anything between us.”

Well, hell.

“Fine,” she muttered. “Do it.”

There was a sharp prick. “All done,” Doc said.

She expected Clint to let her up but he just held her there, rubbing her bottom.

“What about spankings, Doc?”

“Oh, I’d say she’s in desperate need of one. Spankings are fine so long as she doesn’t reach back with her injured hand. I’ve got to go. Be a good idea to administer one of the multivitamins now.”

She heard the door open then close. Wow, he was a strange man. She tried to climb off Clint’s lap, but he placed his hand on her lower back to stop her from moving.

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