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“To relax? Or let me take care of you?”


“I’ll teach you,” he promised.

She lay on her back and satisfaction filled him.

“Spread your legs again,” he demanded.

She widened her legs, staring at him in confusion until he started to wipe her with the cloth.

“I can do that.” She tried to reach for the cloth.

“You will not. Put that hand down.” He waited until she’d obeyed him before he ran the washcloth over her folds, enjoying the way her breath caught as he rubbed it against her clit. Damn, she was perfect.

Her eyes were closed and she barely stirred as he put one of his t-shirts on her. He brushed his lips over her forehead.

“Sleep, little darling.”


“Eat some more soup, baby.” Clint held the spoon up to her lips. She’d tried to insist that she could feed herself, however he wouldn’t have a bar of that.

“I’m full. I can’t fit in anymore.”

“You didn’t even eat half.”

“I don’t usually eat much.”

“Well you should be eating more than this,” he grumbled.

“We’re not all six-foot-five with huge appetites,” she teased him. “I haven’t done anything all day, of course I’m not going to feel like eating.” He’d waited on her hand and foot, insisting that she rest. And she had to admit that after the nap he’d made her take earlier that she was feeling much better.

He gave her a thoughtful look. He seemed to be about to say something then shook his head. What was that about?

“All right, I’m going to let you get away with eating this pitiful amount, but tomorrow, you’d best do better than this,” he warned. “If you get any thinner, you’d blow away in a wind.”

She rolled her eyes at that exaggeration. “Who made the soup? Allan?” What would Clint say if she told him about the way Allan had been treating her? He was being so sweet to her. She didn’t want to ruin that. And she wasn’t ready to find out whether he’d believe her. Or how he’d react once he discovered her secret.

His face tightened. Darkened. Again, she felt like she should remember something. Allan wasn’t her favorite person and she definitely wasn’t his, but she knew he was completely loyal to Clint. “No. The last thing the men want after a hard day’s work is chicken soup. This is out of a can, I’m afraid. I just nuked it for you.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at him. “That was really thoughtful of you.”

He just gave her a nod as though he didn’t know how to respond to her praise. Perhaps he didn’t. “I’m going to clear this up, have a shower then come to bed, okay?”

“All right,” she said shyly. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take the dishes downstairs while you shower?”

“No, I do not,” he replied firmly. “You stay right where you are.”

So bossy. But she couldn’t help but smile as he left, because it felt so nice to have someone care for her. Even though she felt guilty that she wasn’t working, it was nice to have a break from Allan. She turned the TV onto the news. Clint frowned when he returned and changed the channel to a cartoon.

“Hey, I was watching that.”

“Little girls don’t need to watch the


“Big Little girls do though,” she said firmly. “I still want to know what’s going on in the world, Clint.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic