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He gave her a look then nodded. “All right, you can watch it. But only when I’m around to make sure it’s not something that will give you nightmares.”

Well, she already had enough of those, she didn’t really want more. So, she nodded and settled in to watch cartoons while he showered. Eventually, he opened the bathroom door and stepped out, just dressed in his boxers.

Yum. He was so gorgeous it took her breath away. She switched off the TV and set the remote down on the bedside table.

“Would you like me to leave the bathroom light on?” Clint asked her as he walked out of the bathroom.

She tensed slightly. Was he making fun of her? Would he be annoyed if she said yes?

“Baby girl, when Daddy asks a question, he expects you to answer him,” he warned.

“Will it annoy you if it’s on?”

He raised his eyebrows. “No, it won’t. Even if it would, then I’d find a way to cope. Because my job is to give you what you need.”

Her insides melted at his words.

“Yes, please, Daddy,” she said in a quiet voice, hugging Inky tight.

He didn’t say anything more, just left the door partially open. It was late, but she wasn’t sure how she was going to sleep when she’d napped half the day away. Although even as she thought that, she found herself yawning.

“My baby is still tired,” he said in a low rumble.

He pulled back the covers on his side and climbed into bed. He’d insisted on helping her to the bathroom earlier even though she was perfectly capable of going by herself. It had been embarrassing and yet it was very sweet the way he worried over her.

As though she was precious. Special.

When the reality was, she was anything but.

She rolled over and pulling open a bedside drawer, stuffed Inky in.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a calm voice.

“Putting Inky away.” Wasn’t that obvious?


Why? She wasn’t sure exactly what to say to that. “I didn’t think you’d want…I mean, Brian used to hate when I had Inky in bed with me.”

“Well, I’m not Brian. And I’m not that interested in his opinions.”

“You mean, you don’t mind that I sleep with Inky?” she asked.

“I insist on it. Besides, I’d be a hypocrite if I did, considering I’ve got my own cuddly toy.”

“What?” No way.

He leaned over her, pulled Inky out and gave it to her. Then he settled on his back and drew her close, wrapping his big arm around her so she lay on her side with her head resting on his warm chest. She could hear the beat of his heart. Oh. So, he’d meant that she was his cuddly toy. Fine by her. Sometimes she felt so starved for touch it was an ache. His warmth infused into her and she almost groaned in delight. She moved her feet closer. He hissed.

“Jesus, your feet are like blocks of ice.”

“Sorry.” She shoved them back. Crap. She’d just had to go and ruin the moment. Idiot.

She felt tears well as he slid his arm out from under her and climbed out of bed. Was he going?

“I won’t do it again,” she told him. “Please don’t leave.”

He whirled around, frowning down at her. “Leave? I’m not leaving. I’m getting something for those icicles.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic