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“How long since you’ve had an orgasm?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Do you masturbate?”

Her breath was ragged. There was no reply. He glanced up at her. “Tell me.”

“I…no. Not since I’ve been living in my car. And Brian, well, he couldn’t…he never really…”

He understood what she was trying to say and he couldn’t help the surge of satisfaction. “That won’t be a problem between us.”

“No, I can tell.”

He kissed down her stomach. He could count every one of her ribs and her hip bones were too prominent. It wasn’t that he cared about her weight so much as her health. He’d need to keep a close eye on her food intake.

Grabbing hold of her panties, he pulled them down her legs. Her breath caught but she didn’t try to push him away. Good girl.

“Spread your legs nice and wide. I want you to stay very still, understand?”


“Yes, what?” he asked her.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Very nice. You please me very much, Charlotte.”

She smiled shyly. So beautiful. He knew she wasn’t aware of how precious and special she was. It would be his job to show her.

He reached up and lightly tugged at her pubic hair. “This is going to have to go. We’ll do that later.” Moving, he settled himself between her legs on his stomach. He drew the lips of her pussy apart, revealing her pink, wet folds. “What a pretty sight this is. Plump, pink.”

Leaning in, he took a long, leisurely lick. “And more delicious than I could have imagined.”

“Oh God,” she cried out as he circled her clit with the tip of his tongue then flicked the tight nub. Her legs rose slightly but she managed to hold her place. He teased her with light, soft taps of his tongue. He wanted to build her up slowly. He moved his tongue lower, flattening it to run it over the entrance to her passage. Over and over again, he licked at her. Then he slid one thick finger deep inside her.

So hot. Warm. His cock throbbed. Seemed like a cold shower was in his future. But all that mattered right now was his girl. Her pleasure. He tapped at her clit with his tongue and thrust his finger deep.

Harder. Faster.

Her cries became more urgent. Her body was tense, her thighs trembling.

“Please. Oh, please.”

“You are only ever to find your pleasure with my permission understand me?” he growled at her. He needed that control. Craved it.

“Yes, Daddy. Yes!”

“My good girl. Such a pretty, sweet girl. I want you to come for me now. Now.”

He returned his tongue to her clit, adding another finger into her passage, driving her higher and higher. Her whole body trembled beneath him. It was so easy to see how on edge she was. How much she needed this.

She screamed as she fell over the edge, her pussy pulsing around his finger, her body shuddering with wave after wave of pleasure. He drew his finger free. Then he placed a kiss on the top of her pussy. “Good girl. So beautiful.”

He lay next to her, pulling her into his arms until her breathing slowed. Then he rose and moved into the attached bathroom. He washed his hands and grabbing a clean cloth, wet it.

He returned to find her trying to sit. “Lie back down, baby. Your only job at the moment is to relax and let me look after you.”

“Not sure I know how.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic