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Charlie whirled around then wished she hadn’t as the world spun around her. Strong arms lifted her, cradling her against a muscular chest. The scent of leather and man surrounded her. Oh God, he was potent. And way too much man for her. She could never be what he needed.

She’d failed everyone else in her life. She’d fail him too.

“Easy, baby. Hush. You’re okay. I have you now.” His words were low and soothing and she suddenly realized she was making little whimpering noises.

Damn it. She needed to stop acting like a wimp.

Toughen up, Charlie. Stop acting like a child.

“Damn it, Eden, why didn’t you call me when you found she was up and around?” he barked at his sister.

“Not Eden’s fault. Don’t snap at her.” She frowned up at him, grateful to see the world was back in focus. “She was keeping me from leaving.”

He stared down at her in surprise. “Why is it that you can defend everyone but yourself?”

She found herself blushing slightly. Shit. How did he already have that much insight into her?

“And why the hell were you trying to leave?” He

strode into the bedroom she’d just came from and sat her down on the bed. “It’s back into bed with you.”

“No, wait,” she protested.

“I’m not going to take any arguments from you, little girl,” he said firmly. “You’re pale and clearly exhausted. You need to rest, which is exactly what you are going to do until I give you permission to get up. Understand?”

She glared at him. “You can’t keep me here, Clint. I’m not even sure how I got here.” Fear filled her. “What happened?”

He crouched down in front of her, and took hold of her hand in his. “You’re freezing. Wait there.” He stood and moved over to turn up the heat. Then he returned and crouched down again. “Shit, you took off your bandage, Doc will be pissed.”

“Eden already mentioned that. I just wanted to see what was wrong with it. Why-why don’t I remember hurting it? Or getting here? Did something happen? And why does my head hurt so much?” She reached up with a hand to touch her temple.

“Bad headache, huh?” he said sympathetically. “I’ll give you some medicine for that soon. Doc said you might have some memory issues. You cut your hand on some glass last night, during a panic attack.” He watched her carefully.

“A panic attack?” She gaped at him. “But I don’t have panic attacks.”

“So, this has never happened before?”

She shook her head then winced. “No. Never.”

He squeezed her good hand reassuringly. “Well, don’t worry about it now. You’re safe. I’m going to take good care of you. Doc said you might feel very drained today. He’s worried that you’re run down and underweight. He said it would be a good idea for you to rest for a few days and I agree.”

Rest? She couldn’t rest. She had a job to do. And a panic attack? God, she wished she could remember what happened.

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked.

“Because you needed watching over. I am your guardian.”

Oh right. Of course. It wasn’t that he cared about her. She knew she shouldn’t have put any stock in Eden’s words.

He grasped hold of her chin. “Look at me, little darling.”

“You shouldn’t call me such names.” Mainly because they meant more to her than he could understand. They made her feel like she was important to him. And that just wasn’t true.

What would it be like to be part of this man’s family as Eden had suggested?

You’re safe now, baby. Daddy won’t let anything happen to you.

Her imagination had to be playing tricks on her. Making her believe things that couldn’t possibly be real.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic