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“Why not? You are my little darling. You’re also going to stay here where I can keep an eye on you.”

“I-I can’t.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I know you feel responsible because you’re my guardian, but I’m just an employee. I should just go back to my cabin. I promise I’ll stay in bed until it’s time to make dinner.”

With the way she felt, she’d be lucky if she could manage to get out of bed then.

“Baby, you’re not up to making dinner right now,” he said gently.

“But who will do all the cooking? Allan?” Her stomach dropped as she said his name. He’d be happy she wasn’t there.

“It’s under control. Ellie is helping out.”

“Ellie? Oh God.”

“Charlotte, you can’t work with stitches in your hand. And right now, you can barely even walk. I want you to relax and not worry about anything. I have it all under control.”

Not worry? Was he crazy?

“And by the way, I’m not doing this just because I feel responsible for you. I care about you, Charlotte.”

“No, you don’t. You don’t even like me! You’ve barely spoken to me since that kiss! I thought I disgusted you or something.”

He groaned and ran his hand over his face. “Messed that up, didn’t I? Darling, I could never be disgusted by you. Not ever. I was staying away because that kiss made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time and I didn’t want you to feel pressured into anything because I’m in a position of authority over you.”

“You mean…you’re not angry at me?”

Tears dripped down her face. He wiped them away with his thumbs. “Baby, don’t. I could never be angry or disgusted by you. I’m so sorry I haven’t been there for you. Please, stop crying. You’re breaking my heart here.”

He stood and picked her up then sat on the bed with her on his lap, rocking her.

“Shit. Sorry. I never cry.” She clumsily wiped at her face. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess.”

“We’re going to have to change that.”

She pulled back to peer up at him. “Change what?”

He wiped away a stray tear. “It’s good to have a cry now and then. Releases stress and tension.”

“So, does that mean you like to have a good cry?” she dared to ask.

“Me? No. I was talking about for you.”

“Seems a little sexist.”

He grinned and it was like the rain clouds parted and sunshine streamed through. “I have never claimed to be enlightened.”

She snorted.

“I loved that kiss. And I have wanted nothing more than to repeat the experience.” He dropped his mouth to hers and kissed her. It started gentle. Sweet. Just his lips against hers. Then his tongue slid over the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth at the unspoken command. And he took complete possession of her.

The kiss became hotter. Intense. Arousal spread like wildfire through her. He eased back.

“Can you forgive me for being an idiot?”

If he kept kissing her like that, she’d forgive him most things. “Yes.” It felt surreal, like this was all a dream. She couldn’t really be sitting here on his lap, being kissed by him, could she? She stared back at him, wincing slightly as her head protested.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic