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“It’s okay,” Eden soothed.

“I don’t…I don’t remember hurting my hand. What happened to it?” She held her hand up to Eden.

“Oh man, did you take the bandage off? Doc’s not going to like that.”

“Doc?” She’d heard of Doc but hadn’t met him. He did all of his own cooking. From what Ellie had told her, he sounded like a grumpy old fart.

“Yeah, he stitched your hand for you last night after he…well, that doesn’t matter,” Eden said hastily. “What matters is you need to get back into bed before Clint returns. In case you haven’t noticed my brother is the overprotective type.”

She wanted to press Eden for the details she was hiding from her, but the truth was, her head was so sore it was making it hard for her to concentrate. “I need to go.”

Eden gave her a stern look, as she shook her head. “Nope. Not happening.”

“I can’t stay here,” she said in a desperate voice. “You don’t understand.”

A hint of sympathy entered the other woman’s eyes then her face hardened. “Clint has been by your side all night. He slept in an armchair in your room. He’s been really worried about you. He only left you now because he had to take an urgent call. But he’ll be back any minute.”

“I can’t be here.”

“You can. Because I’m not letting you leave. And don’t think that just because I’m in a wheelchair that I can’t overpower you.”

“I didn’t think that at all.” In fact, right now an infant could get the best of her.

Eden gave her a firm nod. “Good. Because my brother cares about you and I’m not letting you out of my sight until he gets back here for you.”

She blinked. Then leaned against the wall. “Cares about me? I think you’re mistaken. I’m just an employee.” And not a very good one.

Eden snorted. Yep, so like her brother. “So, you think he nurses every injured employee himself?”

Well, when she put it like that…

“I didn’t think he even liked me. I’ve hardly seen him since I got here.” She’d thought he might have been interested in her after that kiss, but he obviously considered that a huge mistake.

“He’ll have to explain his reasons, but I’m guessing he was doing it out of some misguided idea that he was protecting you. Clint’s the fairest guy I know. He might be gruff and a bit of a Neanderthal and his social skills definitely need improving—”

“What social skills,” she murmured.

Eden grinned at her. “Exactly. But he looks after his people. Everyone on this ranch is under his protection and God help anyone who tries to harm Clint’s family.”

“I’m not family.” The words were like a physical ache.

“Oh, honey, you might just be the most important person in this family.”

She shook her head then wished she hadn’t as Eden blurred into two people. She blinked, trying to bring her back into focus. “I don’t understand. He barely knows me.”

“Clint isn’t like Kent. He doesn’t have women falling at his feet in adoration. He isn’t charming. He’s always been serious. In everything he does. Including relationships. He doesn’t do bullshit. He doesn’t have flings. I don’t think he’s ever had a one-night stand. And I have never seen him fuss over anyone like he did you.”

She was speaking to every need Charlie had to be loved. All she wanted was to come first with someone. But did she dare believe what Eden was telling her? How was it possible?

“I thought he was avoiding me because we kissed.”

“You kissed?”

She braced herself for disapproval. She wasn’t good enough for him. She knew that and she was certain Eden did too.

“That’s good. Really good. But I really suggest you get yourself back into bed before Clint returns.”

“Too late,” a deep voice said from behind her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic