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“I’m her guardian. Charlotte stays with me.”

“Is that the only reason you’re taking care of her? Because you’re her guardian? Because I know a dozen men who’d gladly take that job.”

What. The. Fuck.

“I am her guardian. She stays with me. Period.” He turned to the door, and reached out to grab the handle before turning back. “And no, that’s not the only reason I’m taking care of her.”

He stepped back into the room and closed the door softly behind him, but not before he saw the shit-eating grin on Bear’s face.



She woke up completely disoriented. And feeling like absolute crap. Her mouth was dry. Her head was thumping and she had the energy of a drained noodle. If it wasn’t for the pressing need to pee, she thought she might just lie here for oh, at least a month.

This bed was heaven. The pillow was thick and molded to her head. The cover was obviously feather and sort of floated around her.

Only thing was this wasn’t her bed. Where was she? And why? She pushed at the covers, letting out a small moan as her right hand protested the movement. She stared down at her hand in confusion. What had happened? She tried hard to think, but it was like her memories were stuck behind a wall of fog. She had a vague recollection of someone yelling. But she wasn’t sure who. And when she pushed herself to remember her head ached even more. Why did she feel like she’d been hit by a truck?

You’re safe now, baby. Daddy won’t let anything happen to you.

Where had that thought come from? Fuck. What time was it? Should she be at work? She glanced over and saw Inky lying on the bed beside her. She blushed. Who had brought her Inky?

The drapes were pulled and they were thick, not allowing any indication of whether it was night or day. The lamp on the nightstand was on, providing plenty of light.

She used her left hand to push the covers back and slowly stood up. She had to pause as the room spun. Damn it. She was weaker than a new born babe. She clung to the headboard for support.

She walked slowly over to the window and pulled open the drapes. Daylight poured in. Appeared to be morning from the position of the sun. Look at her, a week of living on the ranch and she was starting to sound like she knew what she was talking about.

Feeling like an old woman, she shuffled her way into the bathroom and took care of matters. She found a toothbrush still in its packet in the bathroom cabinet which she used to brush her teeth. She sat on the toilet and slowly unwound the bandage, peering down in shock at the stitches in the palm of her hand. How had she cut herself? Fear threatened to swallow her. The room spun and she had to press her head against her knees until the nausea and dizziness went away.

She forced herself to stand and walk back into the bedroom. She needed to leave. She searched around the room for her clothes and found them neatly folded on a chair in the corner. It took her a frustratingly long time to get dressed since she couldn’t use her right hand. Waves of dizziness kept assailing her and she ended up sitting on the chair so she didn’t fall over.

Why was she so weak?

“God, this is humiliating.” How she was going to make her way to the kitchen, she wasn’t sure. And on some level, she knew she was acting crazy. The only place she should be was in bed. But she needed to get back to work. She couldn’t afford to lose this job.

She picked up Inky then walked out of the bedroom, glancing up and down the passage. She’d never been upstairs and had no idea which way to go. There was a dinging noise and she turned with surprise to see Eden wheel her way out into the passage. Was that an elevator?

Eden appeared just as shocked to see her.

“Crap,” Eden said in a low voice as she wheeled closer. “What are you doing up? Clint will lose his shit. You need to get back into bed.”

“What time is it?”

“Just after seven in the morning.”

She frowned. “How long have I been in bed?”

“Umm, since around five last night.”

“I slept all night?” She gaped at the other woman. Normally, she barely slept. How had she managed over twelve hours? No wonder she’d needed to pee so badly when she woke up.

“I need to leave.” And never, ever return. “I’m not even sure why I’m here.”

Eden eyed her. “You don’t remember anything from last night?”

“No. Should I?” Alarm filled her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic