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He pressed closer. Her heart raced. Her hand trembled so bad she dropped the knife she’d been using to slic

e carrots.

“You know what I’m talking about, girlie. You don’t fool me. I’m watching you.”

“You need to step away from me.”

He didn’t move.

Charlie took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Step away from me or I’m going to tell Clint about your behavior.”

They both knew it was an empty threat. Part of her wanted to retreat and protect herself. But it was impossible with him so close.

He grabbed her arm and spun her; his hand so tight around her upper arm she knew it was going to bruise. She couldn’t stop the cry of alarm that left her lips.

“We both know it’ll be your word against mine,” he told her, glaring down at her. “And I’m like a second father to that boy. He’d never believe you.”

No. He wouldn’t. She knew that. Helplessness surged inside her. Why did it seem like the world was against her? So much for this being a safe place. A place where women were protected. It was just like everywhere else.

“You’d best not say a word to him, girlie. Because we both know when I tell him what you been doin’, he’ll kick your ass out of here.”

She summoned every ounce of courage she had left.

“Get. Away. From. Me.”

Thankfully, he pulled back. But his words continued to roll over and over in her mind for the rest of the night.

* * *

He glanced around, trying to catch a glimpse of her.

Disgust filled him and he shook his head. He was acting like some damn lovestruck teenager. He knew she was all right, he got daily reports from Ellie, Bear and whoever else had seen her that day. They were all filled with praise for their new cook.

She was sweet. Kind. Thoughtful.

And he wanted to bend her over the closest piece of furniture and fuck her. What was wrong with him? She was his employee. He couldn’t make a move on her. Bad enough, he’d kissed her the other night, he couldn’t go any further. As her boss and her guardian, he was in a position of authority over her.

It would be wrong to take things further.

Even if it was all he thought about. Kissing her, touching her, taking her over his knee and spanking her little behind.

“Looking for someone?” Bear took the seat opposite him.

“Nope,” he replied.

Bear was silent.

“You need something?” Clint asked.

“I’m waiting to walk Charlie back to her cabin. Unless you want to do it. But then, you’d actually have to talk to her and we all know you’re avoiding her.”

He narrowed his gaze at the other man. “I’m not avoiding her.”

“Really? Seems that way to me. You’re supposed to be her guardian but haven’t noticed you spending much time with her. Instead, you got everyone else reporting in about her.”

“I don’t have to spend time with her to know whether she’s doing all right. I have a ranch to run as well.”

Bear snorted. “That’s your excuse, is it?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic