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Hi. Its Charlie. Thnks 4 the gifts bt I cnt acpt thm.

His text came back surprisingly quick and her stomach danced with nerves as she read it.

Was that English?

She rolled her eyes and retyped the message.

Thanks for the gifts, but I can’t accept them.

His text back was short and tense.

Yes, you can. The coat was Eden’s. It will be a bit big but will keep you warm. Keep the phone charged and on you..

Arrogant cowboy. But she didn’t want to argue with him. She could just leave it here when she left. He could sell it or give it to someone else.

That had been five days ago. And unfortunately, the nightlight, as thoughtful as it was, wasn’t enough to make her feel safe. Especially as it was so dark here. She’d never lived in the country and the lack of street lights and noise kind of scared her. She was finding it even harder to sleep than she had when she was living in her car. It was frustrating. She’d always slept lightly, and she’d expected the quiet out here to help her sleep. But it was too quiet.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was exhausted. The long hours of work. Not sleeping at night. It was all getting to her. And she couldn’t afford to get sick. That would mean letting everyone down.

Letting Clint and Kent down.

Like you haven’t done that already.

Her stomach tightened into a knot until she thought she might vomit. She could just imagine the reaction of everyone here if they learned her secret. They wouldn’t be so friendly then. She’d tried to stop. Really, she had. She didn’t know what was wrong with her.

You’re fucked in the head, Charlie. You need help.

“Go away, Brian,” she muttered while she rubbed at her aching head and glanced at her new phone to check the time. She had to admit; it was a nice phone. Ellie had oohed and aahed over it and immediately announced she needed to get it a pretty cover. She hadn’t wanted to admit that she didn’t have the money to spend on anything like that. She needed to save every penny she earned. So, she’d told Ellie it was just a loan while she was staying here. Her friend had given her a strange look then shrugged.

Ellie was the best part of working here. She hadn’t seen Kent since that first day when he’d stopped by to check on her and she’d only seen Clint occasionally. She felt a little hurt by his distant attitude, which was silly. The more space between them the better. She was far too interested in him than was healthy. He was her boss.

Drat. It was time to head over to the kitchen to make dinner and she could barely find the energy to get off the couch. Not that her low energy levels were the real reason she dreaded going to work.

It was Allan.

Her stomach bubbled with nerves. He hated her. Like truly hated her and she had no idea why. He wouldn’t talk to her, he never helped her, but even worse was the way he stared at her.

Like he knew her secret.

But he couldn’t. She was careful. She just had to ignore him and get on with the job.

Maybe you should tell Clint.

No. She couldn’t go to Clint. Allan had worked here for years and she’d been here less than a week. Besides, she didn’t want to be a nuisance. Clint was busy and she knew better than to complain. She’d just have to do the best she could.


“I know it’s you,” Allan came up behind her, crowding her against the counter.

Breathe. Don’t panic.

His breath was hot against her cheek. It stank of tobacco and garlic and she had to try hard not to gag.

“I know you’re the one doing it and I’m going to prove it.”

She firmed her shoulders. She wouldn’t cower away from him. Charlie hated confrontations. But she was tired of being pushed around and bullied.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic