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“You got something to say, Bear. Just say it.”

“Wasn’t that long ago that you wanted a chat with me about Ellie. Remember that?”

“That was a different situation.”

“Was it?”

“Clearly Ellie was meant to be with you. You were stomping around in a bad temper, too stubborn to go to her. I was helping.”

“Helping…interfering…sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference with you.”

“Is this some sort of revenge?”

“Nope. Just a concerned friend checking in to make sure you’re okay.”

“Jesus, you’re not getting all touchy-feely, are you?” he said with disgust.

“All seriousness though, Clint. Check in with her. She looks worn out. Been acting a little jumpy.”

Worry filled him at Bear’s words. Shit. Why hadn’t he checked in with her in person before now? “I’ll walk her home.”

“Thought you might.”

Clint stood and strode into the kitchen. She was standing across the room at the kitchen counter, scrubbing at a pot. He frowned. Where were Eduardo, Graciela and Allan?

He moved closer. “Charlotte?”

Nothing. That was odd.

“Charlotte?” He reached out a hand and touched her shoulder, unprepared for the way she screamed. She turned, swiping out at him with a soapy hand, her body trembling, her breath coming in sharp pants.

“Stay back! Stay away!”

“Charlotte, it’s me. It’s Clint.”

What the fuck?” What was going on?

She stood there for a moment, staring up at him. Then she seemed to wilt before his eyes, slumping back against the kitchen counter.

“Clint, I didn’t hear you. You gave me a fright.” She placed her hand on her chest.

That was obvious. “I called out to you twice.”

“Sorry, I guess I was deep in thought.”

He took a moment to study her and didn’t like what he saw. She looked pale and exhausted. Had she lost weight? Wasn’t she eating?

“I…umm…I was just getting a start on this pot for Graciela.” She slid away from him. “I’m about to head home.” She walked over to where her backpack and jacket were beside the door.

“I’ll walk you home.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Necessary or not, I’m walking you home,” he said firmly. What the hell was going on with her? She was jumpy as a rabbit.

They headed out, her flashlight lighting the way.

“Are you settling in all right?” he finally broke the silence.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic