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Uh-huh, like you haven’t gotten all hot and bothered reading about some naughty submissive being taken over her Dom’s knee.

Yeah, but reading it and experiencing were two different things. Damn, she needed her head examined. She should have at least taken Kent’s offer to sleep on it. She was exhausted. She couldn’t wait to climb into a real bed.

“Come on, I’ll show you to your cabin. You’re dead on your feet,” Clint told her in a gruff voice.

Obviously, she looked like shit. She had to fight the urge to fuss with her hair and clothing. What did it matter what he thought of her looks?

It only mattered whether she followed the rules. Which she was determined to do. She wasn’t going to give either brother a reason to…to discipline her.

Holy hell. She really had stepped into another world.


“Over the years we’ve had several cabins built for the people who work here. Don’t think it’s fair on people to expect them to bunk with strangers.”

God, it sounded like heaven. She hadn’t really thought about the sleeping arrangements. She was just grateful to have a roof over her head. She was mortified that they had figured out she’d been sleeping in her car, though.

He walked towards the door then turned to her with a frown. “You got any warmer clothing?”

“Um, I have a coat in my car.” It was a bit thin and threadbare, but surely it would provide some warmth.

“Make sure you remember it every time you leave your cabin. It’s gets pretty cold at night. You’ll catch a chill.”

She guessed he wanted to keep her healthy so she could do her job. Well, she wouldn’t let him down. She needed the money this job would give her. Desperately.

He pulled a jacket off a hook on the wall. Then surprised her by placing it around her shoulders.

“Oh, I couldn’t use this. Someone will miss it.”

“It’s mine,” he told her gruffly. He then pulled up the lid on a storage box by the door and pulled out a flashlight. “If you need a flashlight, you can borrow one from here. But keep this one in your cabin with you. I don’t want to catch you walking around in the dark without it.”

She nodded. That was something she could easily promise him. The dark was not her friend.

“You always been scared of the dark?” he asked in a gruff voice.

Damn it, she hated to let anyone know her weaknesses, but she’d promised to be honest. “For as long as I can remember.” She stepped out into the brisk air behind him. He hadn’t been exaggerating. It was cold enough to see her breath.

“I’ll be at your cabin in the morning to walk you back here.”

“If I have a flashlight, I’ll be fine,” she said quickly. “I don’t want to put you out.”

“I’ll be there.”

It only took a few minutes before they reached a small, well-lit cabin set back amongst the trees. For a moment she felt a bit worried at how isolated it was. She hadn’t seen any other cabins as they’d walked here. Safety wasn’t something she ever took for granted. But when she got inside, she was instantly charmed.

It was gorgeous. It was basically just one room with a door that she guessed led to the bathroom. A queen-sized bed was in the back left-hand corner. There was a small kitchenette with some built-in cupboards. To her right, a two-seater couch sat in front of an open fireplace which someone had thoughtfully lit.

It was magical.

She noticed her bags sitting by the door. “Someone brought in my stuff?”

“Zeke did,” he told her.

She blushed. Inky was sitting right on top of her bag. That was embarrassing. She wondered what he thought about her having a stuffed toy. Hopefully he thought it was just for sentimental reasons. Which it partly was.

“He’s taken your car up to his place so he can have a look at it for you. It’s leaking radiator fluid.”

“That’s kind of him…but I don’t have…I mean, I can’t pay him,” she said quietly, feeling ashamed at her lack of finances.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic