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Kent leaned forward. “Charlie, we’re not going to go around spanking you for every little thing. Just the big ones. Health and safety are very important.”

She frowned up at him. “But you threatened to-to spank me for lying. That goes beyond health and safety.”

“Honesty is a big part of taking care of someone,” Clint told her.

“What if I can’t tell you something?”

“Then you tell us it’s something you can’t share. But you don’t lie.” Kent leaned forward. “So, what do you say, Charlie? I know it’s a lot to take in.”

“What are the rules?”

Elation filled him. She was considering this. He started to relax.

“You’ve already heard the rules about where you can go around the ranch and what happens if you want to leave,” Kent told her. “Everyone on the ranch is expected to show others respect. If we learned you were going around causing problems, disrespecting other people or property that would be a big problem.”

“I would never do that.” Her eyes were wide.

Kent smiled gently. “We didn’t think you would. But we want to be clear.”

“You need to take care of your health,” Clint told her. “That means if you feel ill or you’re injured we’re to hear about it immediately.”

She chewed her lip worriedl

y but nodded.

“Same goes if you’re in trouble or danger, you tell one of us as soon as you can,” he added.

“You can come to us with any issues or problems as well,” Kent added. “We’re not ogres. Well, not all of us.” He nodded over at Clint and she smiled. “I know it might not seem like it, but his bark is worse than his bite.”

“It is not,” he protested. “My bite is even worse.”

She started to smile.

“Would you like the night to think about it all?” Kent asked.

“No. I’ve made up my mind. I want to stay.”

“Good.” Clint smiled with satisfaction.

“We’re really happy to have you, Charlie. You’ve saved us from many nights of indigestion.” Kent winked at her and she blushed.

Jealousy reared its ugly head and he pushed it back. She wasn’t his. He didn’t have any right to feel jealous of his brother.

“We have a cabin ready for you to stay in.” Kent glanced at his watch. “Clint will show you to it. I’ve got to get to another meeting I’m afraid.”

“This late?” she asked.

He smiled. “We have clients all over the world, so I have to work to their time zone. I’ll try and catch up with you tomorrow though and make sure you’re all right. Do you have a phone?”


“Good, Clint will give you our numbers so you can reach us.” He stood and moved around to where she sat then leaned down and kissed her on her forehead. “Welcome to Sanctuary Ranch, little one.” He grinned as Clint gave a warning growl.


What the hell had she agreed to? She had no idea what she’d been thinking.

She’d been thinking that she didn’t want to leave. That even though what they told her was kind of bizarre and unlike anything she’d ever heard of outside of fiction, it all sounded rather…nice. Well, not the spanking part.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic