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“All part of the job here,” he said easily. “I know the cabin is small. But all meals are taken at the main dining area. Those cupboards have a few things like extra blankets. Usually, people supply their own TVs, but I can probably find you a spare one somewhere.”

“Oh no, that’s fine. I can just stare at the fire.”

He frowned down at the fire. “You ever lit a wood fireplace before?”

“No, but I’m sure I can figure it out. Is there a place to get firewood from?”

He grumbled quietly. “Don’t want you lighting it on your own. You could hurt yourself. I’ll have someone do it for you.”

“I’m sure I can do it myself,” she said firmly.

He frowned and she knew he was going to argue with her.

“I’d rather not have a stranger in my cabin,” she told him.

Instead of arguing he gave an abrupt nod. “All right. I’ll show you how to light it tomorrow. But someone else will bring you the wood. They’ll stack it outside on the porch, all right? Breakfast is served at five-thirty, so it’s going to be an early start for you.”

“I can handle it. I’m an early riser.”

“Lunch is usually set out for people to grab themselves. Dinner is at six. We go to bed early around these parts.” He ran his eyes over her. “You should already be in bed.”

“That’s where I was headed.” Did everything come out like a command from this man?

“Good. I don’t want you getting too tired. And make sure that you lock this door after I leave. Key is already in the lock and there’s a deadbolt. Use them both, understand?”

“I thought it was safe for women here?” she said nervously.

“It is. But you’re still going to lock your door, understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she snapped back.

He gave her a stern look. “It is acceptable to call me sir, but you want to watch that tone, little girl.”

Crap. What happened to staying out of trouble and not giving him or his brother a reason to punish her?

“I’m not a little girl, you know.”

“Uh-huh.” He turned away and reached for the door handle. She was following closely, eager to shut the door behind him so she could have some time to think about all of this, when he turned suddenly.

She stepped back and tripped over her own feet. Clint quickly grabbed her around the waist, stopping her from falling.

“Shit! Sorry! I’m so clumsy.” Yeah, he probably got that since this is the second time you’ve fallen over your own feet today.

“What did I say about swearing?” he growled. His hands were still around her waist and she was only too aware of his touch.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

“That has nothing to do with health and safety, right?” she said quickly.

He narrowed his gaze. “Not a spanking offence. Yet.”

What did that mean? Before she could ask, he drew her in close and brushed his lips against her. It was just a soft kiss, but her insides danced. And when he pressed his lips to hers more firmly, she stood up on her tiptoes to meet him. He ran his tongue over her lips and they parted of their own volition. She could feel her entire body heating up, pressing against him. He took complete control of the kiss, which was good since she’d lost the ability to think.

When he set her back, she swayed slightly and he had to grab hold of her again. “You okay? Charlotte?”

She just stared at him.

“Guess that’s one way to stop you from swearing,” he muttered. “You all right?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic