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She guessed she could just pull off the road somewhere and sleep. One bonus of your car also being your home.

About the only bonus.


She jumped at the deep voice and turned with a gasp. “Yes?”

Clint was standing at the entrance to the large dining room where everyone gathered to eat.

“Daydreaming again?” There was a rough note of disapproval in his voice that sent warning sparks through her blood. How was it possible she was attracted to him? He scared her. And intrigued her. He’d been so sweet to her earlier when she’d fallen over. She’d worried he was going to insist on checking her bottom for bruises. Her body flushed with heat. What would it feel like to have him touch her? To be wrapped up in his arms?

Safe. She’d feel safe. And that was something she hadn’t felt in a long time.


Oh crap. She should probably say something. From the odd looks she was getting from everyone else in the kitchen, she figured she’d missed something he’d said.

“Yes? Did you want something?”

“Did you hear a word I just said?” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a stern look. How would she react if he ordered her over his knee? If he told her to go to the corner and raise her skirts above her naughty bottom to wait for her punishment?

Stop wishing for stupid things, Charlie.

She thought about lying, but she remembered his earlier admonishment and her bottom clenched in reaction.

“No, sir.”

His scowl eased slightly. He crooked a finger. “Come here.”

“I’ve just got a bit more cleaning up to do here.” Except it was more that she wanted to put off this conversation for a bit longer.

He appeared dumbfounded for a moment. As though he wasn’t used to hearing the word no. Which was probably true. Then he sighed. “Charlotte. Here. Now.” He pointed to a spot in front of him. That seemed a little rude and she gave him a disgruntled look. Then she quickly turned her face away. Because he still kind of intimidated her.

Kind of? Definitely.

She found herself walking over, trying to ignore the incredulous stares the three other people in the room were giving her. She stopped about a foot in front of him. She kept her gaze on the floor, but she could feel him staring a hole into the top of her head.

“When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed.”

Her head shot up. That endearment made her tummy go all warm. “I wasn’t disobeying you. I was just finishing my job—”

Clint held up his hand with the expectation that she would stop talking. No one was more amazed than he was when she kept going.

“I only have a few more things to finish up—”

He reached out and placed his hand over her mouth before she could keep talking and irritate him more.

“Enough. Your job is not to clean up. That’s what I pay this lot to do.”

She made a noise as though trying to speak and he removed his hand.

“Then I have the job?” The hope in her face made his stomach hurt. He knew how desperate she must be and he didn’t like it. She shouldn’t have a worry in the world. She should be protected, sheltered, cared for and loved.

By her daddy. By him.

Fuck. Not a good idea. She works for you, asshole.

He took a deep breath in, noticed the way the hope was fading from her face. She dropped her gaze to the floor. “You didn’t like it.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic