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Reaching out, he tilted her chin up. “The meal was delicious, Charlotte. I think that if I didn’t hire you, I’d have a riot on my hands.” Eduardo nodded. He frowned at the older man and he returned to his job. Nice to know someone did what he wanted.

A big grin covered her face and her eyes sparkled with delight. Hadn’t she received much praise in her life?

“But before we talk about you staying on, there’s some conditions we need to discuss.”

“What sort of conditions?” she asked suspiciously.

He didn’t intend to go into them here. “I want you to come and meet my brother, Kent.”

Suddenly, she looked nervous. “Um, okay. Are you sure I shouldn’t—”

“Little girl, rule number one on this ranch. When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed.”

Her eyebrows rose. “You expect everyone to do as you say? Nobody ever disobeys you?”

“I didn’t say that. Someone disagrees with me about something then they’re welcome to state their case. But I have the final say. They still disobey me, then they’re gone. My land, my rules. You look nervous. Does that worry you?”

Well, of course it damn well worried her. Charlie wasn’t at all sure she’d be good at following orders. She licked her lips. “No. Of course not.”

He leaned in, his breath tickling her ear. “No need to fret, that doesn’t apply to you.”

“It doesn’t?” she whispered back. She should probably step back. This affect he had on her wasn’t healthy.

“No. If you disobey me, I’ll simply spank you instead.” He turned and walked away before she could react to that outrageous statement. She stared after him.

“You better go with him, chica,” Eduardo advised. “Boss man doesn’t like to be kept waiting. He’s a good man. Took my Graciela and me in after my accident meant no one else want to hire me. Don’t know what would have happened to us if not for the boss man. He take care of you.”

That was kind of what she was worried about.

Eduardo made a shooing motion with his hand. “Go on. You’d best to do as he says, else you find yourself in trouble.”

She gave Eduardo a glare as he laughed, not appearing at all concerned that she might get in trouble. Well, why would he? Wasn’t his butt on the firing line.


Clint slipped into the chair across from his brother. Everyone else had cleared out of the dining area so it was just the two of them.

Kent glanced over his shoulder. “Did you forget something?”

“She’s on her way.” And he’d give her to the count of five before he went back, swung her over his shoulder and carried her out here. The caveman part of him was distinctly satisfied at that idea. But he soon heard tiny feet stomp their way towards him.

She chose to sit several chairs down from him. Obviously, she thought distance would keep her safe. She scraped the chair back then sat and plonked her elbows on the table. He was tempted to show her what happened to little girls in a temper.


nbsp; You’re her boss.

It seemed he was going to have to remind himself of that often. He slowly turned to her, raising one eyebrow. “Elbows off the table, little girl.”

She pulled back immediately, looking chagrined. More than that, she seemed ashamed. All right, he didn’t like that.

“Clint,” Kent said in a warning voice.

“I see it,” he said impatiently.

She now sat ramrod straight, her hands in her lap, her face guarded. Damn it. His intention hadn’t been to shame her. And the last thing he wanted was for her to close herself off like this. To be afraid of him.

“Hi, I’m Kent. Clint’s much more charming younger brother.” Kent sent her a smile. “You’ll have to excuse, Clint. He doesn’t often get to speak to beautiful young women.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic