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Kent stiffened. He knew his brother’s preferences. “Lots of people have stuffed toys. Doesn’t mean anything.”

“I think she sleeps with it.”

“Still doesn’t mean anything.”

Clint tapped his fingers against the top of the table impatiently. “Yeah, except there’s something about her. I can’t turn her away, Kent.”

“Then what are you going to do? Are you really going to let her live here without a guardian?” They were alone except for a small group across the room.

“I figured it wouldn’t matter for a few weeks. Not much she could get up to in that time, but then when I was talking to her earlier…”


“Well, she might have lied to me about something. And I might have told her that would get her ass spanked.”

“And?” Kent was staring at him like he had gone nuts. And maybe he had. But he still felt like this was the right thing to do.

“And she didn’t run screaming in the opposite direction. In fact, she appeared slightly intrigued.”

He sighed. “Guess it’s a good sign she didn’t slap you. All right. So, what’s your plan then?”

He’d been thinking this over all afternoon. “I’m going to tell her that she has the job, provided she agrees to a few rules.”

“And if she disobeys those rules? You’ll treat her like the men and fire her?”

Let her leave? No, he couldn’t do that. Not when he didn’t know whether she had a safe place to go. The idea of her sleeping in her car, where anyone could get to her, harm her…

Not happening.

“Then I’ll spank her.” The words were said with satisfaction. The thought of having her over his knees, her ass bared, her legs kicking as he reddened her butt…yeah, he liked that idea.

Kent ran his hand over his face. “Jesus, we’re going to get sued. Or arrested.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get her agreement first. I wouldn’t force it on her.”

“Right. And you’ll think she’ll agree to this? She doesn’t even know you, let alone trust you.”

“Oh, I think she’ll agree. Moreover, I think this is something she wants. And needs. You’ll see when you meet her. And I’ll get it all in writing.”

“Great,” Kent said dryly. “Because that’s going to make all the difference.”


sp; * * *

Had what she’d cooked been enough to get her the job? God, she didn’t know. She scrubbed at the kitchen countertop, even though it had already been cleaned by the cleaning crew who had turned up after dinner. They were a husband and wife. Eduardo had a heavy limp, although it didn’t seem to slow him down any. His wife, Graciela, was a kind-looking, older woman who only spoke Spanish. She’d tried to shoo Charlie out as soon as they’d arrived, but Charlie insisted on helping.

The other woman had just shaken her head with a huff while her husband laughed.

“Not many who tell my Graciela no,” he told her with a smile.

“Oh, sorry, I don’t mean to insult her. I just thought to help.”

Graciela went to move the table which sat in the middle of the kitchen and provided more countertop space to one side so she could sweep under it. Quicker than she’d thought he could move, Eduardo was there. He gave his wife a sharp smack on the ass and said something in Spanish. Graciela gave him an exasperated look, but she stepped to one side to let him move the table. And the way she stared at him, well, Charlie wished she had someone who’d gaze at her with that much love in their eyes.

“That was a good meal, chica,” Eduardo told her. “Even my Graciela was impressed.”

She smiled at him, even as she worried if it was enough. She was so tired that her hands shook. Her body begged her to rest. If she hadn’t passed the trial, she didn’t know where she would find the energy to drive to the closest town.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic