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“I would never hit you,” he said fervently. “And I wouldn’t spank you unless we had the sort of relationship where I was in charge. Where I would hold you accountable to my rules. And if you broke those rules or did something that put yourself in danger then I would spank your little butt. But we don’t have that relationship. I don’t have your agreement to be my submissive.” He really shouldn’t be having this conversation with her and certainly not in the dazed state she was in.

“Oh, you’re a Dom.”

He stared down at her in surprise. “You know what a Dom is?”

She snorted. “Duh. I read. I might be a virgin, but I’m not an idiot. Do you use whips and canes and stuff?” There was a note of fear in her voice.

“Not really into that.”

“You have a dungeon? Some leathers? How did you get into it?” Her fatigue seemed to disappear as she grew more animated. “Or do you go to a club? Do they have BDSM clubs out here?”

“Do you always ask this many questions?”

She looked embarrassed. “Sorry. I know I talk a lot and it annoys people.”

Shit, he hadn’t meant to make her feel bad. “I don’t have a dungeon and I very rarely go to a club. The closest one is about three hours drive away. Do you know what a Daddy Dom is?”


“Well, that’s what I am. I want a certain kind of submissive. A big little girl who wants someone to coddle and protect her. To guide her. And to discipline her when necessary.” And why was he telling her this? She should be swallowing her pills and going to sleep, not discussing his relationship preferences.

“Oh. So they would call you Daddy?” Her eyes drifted shut then open. She really needed sleep. “How does that work? Would she be Little all the time?

“Probably not all the time.” He lowered his voice, hoping to lull her to sleep. “She’d have her big girl time too. It would depend on our relationship and what we were both comfortable with. I’d never make someone do anything they didn’t wish to do. Littles come in all shapes and sizes.”

“What do they do, when they’re Little?”

“Depends on the Little and what age the associate with. Some like to color, to watch cartoons, to dress in princess clothes and have a tea party. Others like to have bottles and binkies. No one-size-fits-all.”

She yawned, her eyes closing.

“Little girl, you need to take these pain killers then sleep.”

“My father wasn’t very loving. And he never really disciplined me. Maybe I’d like a Daddy Dom. Only I’m not looking for a relationship right now, sorry.”

He hadn’t been aware that he’d offered. He was attracted to her, though and it was obvious that she could use a keeper. But it couldn’t go anywhere.

“Eleanor, if you’re not going to swallow these pills—”

“I don’t like being called Eleanor,” she said in a soft voice. A tear dripped down her cheek. Shit. He hated seeing her cry. How had this woman come to mean so much in just a few hours?

Maybe it was because she was so helpless and that was a big trigger for him.

“Okay, sweetie. I won’t call you Eleanor. But you really need these pills. If you’re not going to swallow them, then I’ll have to use the suppositories.”

She cracked open an eye. “You’d stick them up my bottom?”

“Not these ones. I have some special suppository ones.”

“I don’t think I’d like that.” She opened her mouth and he placed the pills on her tongue. Then he pressed the lip of the sippy cup in her mouth. She sucked down a few gulps of water.

“Drink a bit more.”

“Tired. Don’t want it.”

“Okay, sleep now, little girl.”

Bear watched her for a moment. He didn’t like the nausea and drowsiness. He worried that she had a concussion. He would need to keep a close eye on her. He wished he could get her to the hospital, but they weren’t going anywhere for a while

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic