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She wiped at her tears. This wasn’t helping. She took in a shuddering breath. “So, I need a job. That’s fine. I can do this. And I could sell the car and buy an automatic.”

None of that was really the reason she was sitting here crying and she knew it. She missed Bear. She missed him so much. The last two nights as she’d lain in bed, she’d held her phone and stared at his number. She’d written him into her contacts as Daddy Bear.

Except he wasn’t her daddy anymore.

She let out a little sob. She wanted him. She wanted to feel his arms around her.

“Buck up, Ellie. You can do this. You can do this on your own. You don’t need anyone.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Getting involved with Bear hadn’t been a bright idea in hindsight. It had revealed parts of her she hadn’t even realized she’d been keeping hidden. And now that she knew what a relationship with someone like Bear could be…hell, there was no one else like Bear. She only wanted him.

If only he felt the same way.

The doorbell ringing startled her and she moved into the foyer and opened it cautiously to find a UPS man on the other side. He held a box under one arm.

“Hello,” she said.

He nodded back then held out a small electronic pad. “Sign here.”

She wrote her signature and moved over to where she’d left her purse to grab a tip.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. Already done,” he told her cheerfully, leaving her standing in the doorway, holding the small box. She turned and shut the door, carrying it inside. No return address. Who even knew she was here? She set it on the coffee table and pulled off the tape, her heart beating rapidly as she drew out the most gorgeous teddy bear, she’d ever seen. He was fluffy and soft and wore the cutest little vest.

There was a note around his neck.

To replace Jeremiah the bear.

A sob shook her. Okay, so maybe he did care. She hugged Jeremiah and maybe she could do this. Now that she had someone with her.

* * *

Bear kept checking his phone. He couldn’t help himself. He knew she’d gotten the bear. He’d been alerted when it had been signed for. He’d expected her to text. Not that that was the reason he’d sent it.

He just hadn’t wanted her to be alone.

He finally forced himself to go eat at the dining hall, even though he didn’t feel like company at the moment. Everyone was giving him a wide berth after he’d spent the last two days snapping and snarling at them all.

He couldn’t help it. He’d had a few days with the woman meant for him. And then he’d had to let her go. Because she was better off without him.

When he was climbing into bed that night, his phone chimed. He glanced at it, not expecting it to be her.

Thank you for the bear. I love him.

He was surprised she texted in full sentences. But he texted back.

You are welcome.

He wasn’t ready to end it there, though. With a sigh, he sent another text.

How are you?

He waited impatiently.

Good. Got a job working at the diner.

That surprised him. Hadn’t the lawyer said there was a trust fund left by her aunt? But then, maybe she wasn’t working for the money. Perhaps it was just to meet people. That made sense. He sent another next.

Did you meet with the lawyer? Everything okay?

Yep. All good.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic