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He nodded agreeably and flagged down a waiter. As the man approached, Ryan flashed Madison his best heartthrob grin and said, “And then later, you can tell me all about Della, your arrangement with James, and how you really got that scar on your arm.”



Aster spun before her full-length mirror, making sure she appeared flawless from every angle. Ira was hosting an industry party at Night for Night and all the biggest players were invited, which meant she needed to look her absolute best.

She gazed at her Valentino heels and frowned. They went perfectly with her cream-colored vintage Alaïa minidress she’d recently picked up at Decades on Melrose. Normally she avoided used clothing; something about it seemed kind of icky. But the way the dress clung to her curves banished her worst germophobe fears. There was no doubt Ryan would love it. But to really pull it off, the shoes were imperative. Question was: How to get them down the stairs and out the door without Nanny Mitra noticing.

It was the final night of week three in the competition, and though she was managing to hold her own, the Vesper’s numbers continually trumped hers, and Jewel was gaining traction, what with all the models and B-list celebs they were pulling in. Layla was crazy if she thought she could bribe Aster into sending Ryan Hawthorne her way.

When she’d first seen the pic, she was panicked. The thought of someone photographing what she thought was an intimate, private moment was disturbing at best. Last thing she needed was the pic to go viral, and yet she couldn’t afford to let Layla win. She’d send Sugar Mills and whoever else she could wrangle from her agent, but that was the most she would do. Layla would just have to deal.

For now, she had bigger problems at stake, namely the shoes. Nanny was definitely onto her and Javen. Usually she was in bed by nine o’clock, nine thirty at the latest. But lately she’d taken to watching late-night TV, claiming to be a recent convert to Conan and company. Though they’d done their best to cover for each other, it was getting increasingly difficult with Nanny always poking around in their business.

She lifted her fingers to the gold-and-diamond hamsa pendant and begged whoever was in charge of such things to see her through another night, and, if it wasn’t too much to ask, all the ones that followed. Despite outward appearances, Aster was starting to slip, mostly thanks to her friendship with Ryan.

While she’d managed to put him off, she couldn’t help but wonder how much longer he’d be willing to settle for the few covert kisses they’d shared. Just the other night he’d accused her of being a tease. And though he’d smiled when he

said it, there was an edge to his voice that left her uneasy.

She couldn’t afford for him to lose interest. Not only was she becoming addicted to all the attention he showered on her—it was a rush unlike any she’d ever known—but she was also starting to believe he was actually serious about helping her break into Hollywood. He’d even promised to set up a meeting between her and his agent—a major upgrade from her own worthless agent. She knew he wouldn’t let her down, but she also knew that eventually, he’d expect her to yield to more than just kissing.

From what Aster could piece together via the tabloids and blogs, Ryan and Madison were still together, but Ryan swore they were as good as over. She hoped he was telling the truth. She’d never intended to like him so much.

She slid her purse onto her lap and riffled through the contents—keys, lip gloss, driver’s license, cash, and the condom she and her best friend, Safi, had bought one drunken night on a dare and that she’d carried around ever since just in case, were all there.

The only hitch in her plan was the shoes.

Going barefoot wasn’t an option. But then neither was wearing the heels downstairs at ten o’clock at night in her robe while Nanny Mitra watched TV. Since she’d started the day faking a cold, if only to explain her exhaustion from staying up late and her subsequent need to sleep in, she figured she might as well play it out all the way. She slipped her robe over her dress, cinched it tightly at the waist, slid her window open, and tossed the shoes and purse onto the lawn two stories below. Cringing when the stilettos landed with a thud, she held her breath, hoping Nanny Mitra hadn’t heard, and made for the stairs.

Arranging her hair to hang in her face, mostly to hide the fact that she was wearing foundation and blush (the eyes and lips she’d do in the car), she headed into the den, her eyes widening when she saw Javen lounging in one of the side chairs, pretending to read. Guess she wasn’t the only one with big plans. He was playing his part, she was playing hers, the two of them working to keep Nanny subdued.

“Thought I’d come down and say good night,” she said. “I just took some NyQuil and it’s making me tired, so I think I’ll turn in.”

Nanny nodded and started to rise, but Aster raised a hand to ward her off.

“I might be contagious,” she explained. “And I’d hate for you to get sick. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She and Javen exchanged a complicit look, as Aster headed back to her room and waited for her brother to text her the moment Nanny fell asleep in her chair, which didn’t take long. Then she snuck down the stairs in her robe, just in case Nanny unexpectedly woke, slipped out the front door, gathered her purse and shoes from the lawn, and raced toward a whole new life that was finally about to begin.

Aster stood in the Riad and glanced nervously around the club, hoping Ryan hadn’t changed his mind about her just when she’d decided on him. He knew about the party. Knew how important it was to her. And tonight of all nights she needed him there. She checked the time again. It was unlike him to be late.


A hand circled her wrist. Lips nudged her ear. She closed her eyes in relief and breathed in a cloud of Tom Ford Noir.

“You look amazing.” He led her to the sofa and claimed the space beside her, his fingers cupping her knee, at first tentatively. Then seeing she didn’t squirm or push him away, he ventured a few inches higher until his hand was resting near the hem of her dress.

“You came alone?” Her heart raced at the possibilities unfolding before her.

“You were expecting Madison?”

At the sound of her name, Aster instinctively recoiled, only to have Ryan pull her back to him. “Can’t even remember the last time we spoke,” he said between kisses.

“And yet, according to the tabloids, you guys are as hot and heavy as ever.”

Ryan pulled away, buying a few moments’ reprieve by pouring shots of chilled vodka. “It’s in the works. I promise. I just hope you can be as patient with me as I’ve been with you.” His gaze met hers, and she felt herself squirm. He had been patient. She had led him on. Or at least sort of. Not entirely. But yeah, maybe a little.

Tags: Alyson Noel Beautiful Idols Young Adult