Page 59 of Savaged

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I want you to. I need you to. It’s not safe for you now, and I don’t want to scare you.

“I want to show you what Kender's done,” I said instead. “I want you to understand. I also want to take you to posh hotels all over the world and see you naked and laid out for me in as many beds as possible. I want to give you everything. I want to make you mine. I can't do that if you stay here.”

I wrapped her in my arms and pressed my dick hard against her thigh. I tilted my hips forward, trying to find more friction between her legs. My mind was swimming—unable to do anything to cope with the heat and smell of her except by taking her again. I grabbed her leg and pulled it up over my hip, positioning myself.

“Never mind the work,” I moaned, pressing the tip of my hard cock to her entrance.

“Okay,” she said.

What the hell did that mean? Okay, I could fuck her again? Okay, she would leave with me? You were an okay lay, but I need to go home now?

“Okay…what?” I asked, hating the way my voice gave away my uncertainty. I stared into her eyes, needing the answer now and wishing I could see inside her head.

“I'll go with you.”

“You will?” I nearly prayed I had heard her right.

“Yes.” There was no question in her voice this time. Not only was there no question, but her eyes softened as her body relaxed in my arms. Her expression told me everything I needed to know. She was giving herself to me—completely and totally.

“I'll make it all worth your while,” I promised her. “I'm going to cover you in diamonds during the day and fuck you senseless during the night.”

“I'm not so sure about diamonds,” she replied, squirming as my tongue tickled her ear. “But the last part sounds like exactly what I want.”

She was going to get what she wanted; I had no doubt of that. I pushed into her, my words running from my mouth straight to her ear, soft and warm.

“Want no more.”

I would give her everything because it was…it is…exactly what I want.

~The End~

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Tags: Shay Savage Erotic