Page 48 of Savaged

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“Let go of her, Frank.” Quickly, he did as I said, and I watched her move her hand up to where his fingers had obviously gripped her too tightly. She rubbed at the bruise forming there. Without glancing at Frank, I told him to get out. Her gaze followed him as he walked out the office door and shut it with a noisy clash. I beckoned her with my fingers. “Come here, baby.”

She didn’t even flinch at the term, which I found very interesting. She also didn’t move, which pissed me off.

I didn’t meet too many new people. When I did, I made it very clear to them exactly what my expectations were. As I have said, I’m not a patient person. I don’t wait for people, I don’t put up with anyone questioning me, and I sure as hell don’t want to have to repeat myself. Either listen to me, or get the fuck away from me.

“I don't ask twice,” I said as I narrowed my eyes at her.

She took a few steps closer but was still way too far away. Too far away for what, I hadn’t decided just yet. She was nervous, of

course, and was having a very difficult time looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and glanced down at a spot on the floor near my feet. She finally took the hint and walked closer, her fingers twisting around themselves in front of her stomach.

“Let me see your arm,” I said, reaching my hand out. She hesitated only a moment, and again, a sharp look was enough to remind her just who was in charge here. I took her hand in mine and felt the warm skin of her fingers before lightly tracing up her arm. I massaged the reddened skin in the shape of Frank’s meaty paw. On a whim, I moved my hand up and took her chin between my fingers. She tried to lean back, but I held her in place. She didn’t try very hard. “What's your name, baby?”


“Olivia.” Nice. An olive branch offered to me—as if I had any mercy left. I remembered just how long it had been since I entertained a lovely young woman, and my cock reminded me that he hadn’t had a lot of action lately, either. This one was truly, truly beautiful, and I found myself wanting to reassure her everything would be all right. “Frank is an animal. He won't touch you again.”

She nodded just a little, my grip on her chin keeping the movement subdued.

“I'm going to ask you some questions, Olivia,” I said as I dropped my hand from her face. I needed to make sure she knew what I wanted. “You are going to answer them quickly and truthfully. Do you understand me?”


What the hell? Either she understands or she does not. What’s with answering my question with a question? I wasn’t lying on a couch, and she didn’t seem like much of a therapist, though I wouldn’t mind a little physical therapy with her. I felt the muscles in my hands and arms tense, and a mental image of her over my knee with her round little ass reddening under my hands danced around in my head and begged for attention.

“Are you asking me a question?” I glared at her.

“No,” she whispered.

“Let's try this again, then.” I cocked my head to one side. She had better get it right this time. Strangely enough, I wanted her to get it right this time. “Do you understand?”


“Good.” I dropped into the big, leather, high-backed chair and rested my chin on my hands. “What do you do here, Olivia?”

“I'm Mr. Kender's PA,” she said. I watched her throat bob as she swallowed hard. “Um…that is, I'm his personal assistant.”

“I know what PA stands for.” Was she taking me for some kind of idiot? No, she was only freaking out a little because she was being questioned by a known terrorist. “How long have you worked for Mr. Kender?”

“Three weeks,” she told me. “My friend Melody got me this job when…”

Another thing I didn’t like—answering the wrong question.

“Did I ask you about the hiring process?” I interrupted.


“Then don't talk to me about it.”

As much as she was doing all the little things that annoyed the shit out of me, I still couldn’t take my eyes off of her as a slow, deep red overtook her face. The color went straight to my cock, and what was just a bit of a twitch was threatening to become a raging hard-on.

Get in control!

“Next question, Olivia.” I stared at her eyes because they would be the best indication of truthfulness and because it kept my eyes from wandering back to her shoes. “Are you sleeping with him?”

“What? No!” A sharp breath escaped her mouth, and her eyes widened. She was horrified at the idea, but not traumatized, which meant he hadn’t been with her. Internally, I breathed a sigh of relief. If he had touched her, I may very well have lost my cool.

“Good,” I said and turned back to the laptop, trying to take my focus off the beautiful young woman so close to me I could smell her. I mentally collected myself while I loaded another couple password key decoding processes. It didn’t help. It didn’t make any fucking difference at all.

Tags: Shay Savage Erotic