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“Yessir," she whimpered, avoiding his gaze as she got up and headed swiftly for the shower, one hand back covering her ass in the hopeful attempt to stop herself from dripping semen across hardwood floors.

Chapter 18

He watched her walk away with that gorgeously adorable just got ass-fucked gait. She had a nice ass. He was going to fuck that ass again, and soon.

Alex felt so much more relaxed now he knew that his little captive fuck toy was on board with his carnal intentions for her. It was better that she wanted her holes to be dominated, her body turned into an instrument of pleasure. She would become just as depraved as he was in time, he was sure of it.

Unfortunately, his reflections came to an abrupt end when his phone rang.

“How are things going over there?” Christo’s voice was mocking and arrogant. All the good feelings Alex had been basking in disappeared, to be replaced with cold rage.

The bastard had won. Sophie was being ripped apart in the media. The FBI had her on their goddamn most wanted list. Overnight, she had gone from being an unremarkable employee to having her face plastered over every single news outlet.


Alex didn't give him the satisfaction of showing how furious he was. He and Christo had never been friends. They had shared power. They had also shared what amounted to fake positions of responsibility at Apex. Both of them were far too rich to need to waste their lives as executives. They were there because those positions were power positions. And they were talking now because Christo was nervous. As he should be.

“Did you fuck her yet?” Christo’s question was crude.

“That’s none of your business, Christo.”

“I will take that as a yes,” he laughed. “How is she? She looked like she’d have a tight little…”

Alex hung up on him.

Christo called back a second later.

“Okay, don’t hang up. I bet her pussy…”

Alex hung up on him again.

Christo called back a third time.

“Okay, that was fair. Anyway. Just wanted to let you know you can both come home. Carlyle did some of his magic and the SEC fucked off to where they came from for the moment. So there’s no charges being made, and no need for her to be our whipping girl. Pay her out and get back to work.”

“That’s very good news.”

Alex believed that about as much as he would have believed Christo calling him and telling him that the Easter Bunny and Father Christmas had broken into the executive conference room and set out a yummy yummy spread for them to eat.

He’d known that Apex was corrupt. Everything the powerful ever touched was corrupted. Just like his sweet Sophie. Christo spoke about her in terms of defilement because he knew, just like Alex did, that their mere presence destroyed the innocent.

“I have to go,” Christo said. “See you soon.”

“See you in hell,” Alex replied, after the call had disconnected.

As traps went, that was incredibly transparent. Alex was rich and powerful, but he knew he wasn’t untouchable. In the end, if the other powers that be wanted to bring him down, he was just as vulnerable to conspiracy, lies, and corruption as the next guy.

It was possible to be destroyed. But if this destroyed him, then so be it. He wasn’t going back to playing nice with Christo. He was going to keep his girl safe. No matter what.

Just as they ended the call, she came into the room where he was sitting. She was so fucking adorable, wrapped in a thick towel, padding in on bare feet with a little smile on her face. She had enjoyed what they'd done together, which meant she enjoyed his depraved forays into her body just as much as he did.

She was perfect.

“Who was that?” She asked the question with great curiosity. “I didn't know you had phones here. I mean, I guess I did. I should call my therapist… she’s going to wonder why I've missed my weekly session.”

“Nobody,” Alex lied. “Come here and get your pussy back on my dick.”

It was a crude command, but she did not reject it. Her cheeks flushed extra pink and she let the towel drop as she sashayed across to him. He took her by the hips and lifted her up over his cock, impaling her curvy body slowly on his thick rod.

He could not get enough of this girl. The way her body gripped him, the way she gave herself to him, trusted him, put herself in his hands and submitted to his every carnal whim — but still wasn’t an easy mate. She challenged him, gave him something to dominate, and sometimes punish.

Her wet pussy gripped his rod tightly with every stroke as he rewarded her for giving him her ass so nicely. She looked like a curvy blonde angel, but in truth, she was a dark, horny brat who could take everything he had to give and more.

Tags: Loki Renard Wall Street Beasts Romance